Friday, July 28, 2023

Are You Ready for Motherhood


Are You Ready for Motherhood


Deciding to embark on the journey of parenthood is a life-changing decision that requires careful consideration. Ensuring you are emotionally and mentally prepared for this new chapter is essential for your well-being and the well-being of your future child. In this blog, we will explore twelve important factors to contemplate when determining if you are ready to get pregnant. By addressing these aspects, you can lay a strong foundation for a healthy and fulfilling parenting experience.

Managing Anger Responsibly:

Displacing anger onto your child can have detrimental effects on their emotional well-being. Recognize the importance of controlling anger and seeking healthy outlets for expressing and managing this emotion, ensuring a nurturing environment for your child.

Multitasking and Avoiding Panic:

Parenting requires juggling multiple responsibilities, but it's crucial not to succumb to panic. Strive for progress rather than perfection, understanding that each day presents an opportunity for growth and improvement.

Prioritizing Self-Care:

Establishing self-care routines, including timely meals for yourself and your family, is crucial for maintaining your physical and mental well-being. Nurturing yourself allows you to provide the best care for your child during pregnancy and beyond.

Embracing a Learning Mindset:

A willingness to learn is vital for successful parenting. Be open to new information, seek guidance, and educate yourself on various aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and child-rearing. A learning mindset enables you to make informed decisions and adapt to the evolving needs of your child.

Read Blog Parenting Tweens

Avoiding Self-Defense Mechanisms:

Hard self-defence mechanisms can hinder your ability to connect with and understand your child's emotions. Practice empathy and open communication, fostering a safe space for your child to express themselves freely.

Embracing Self-Compassion:

Avoid being overly harsh on yourself and release any lingering guilt. Practicing self-compassion enables you to be forgiving, nurturing, and patient with yourself, fostering a healthy mindset for both you and your child.

Cultivating Tolerance:

Parenthood requires patience and tolerance. Develop the ability to navigate challenges with grace and understanding, promoting a positive and harmonious family environment.

Nurturing a Sense of Humor:

A good sense of humor can alleviate stress and help you navigate the ups and downs of parenting. Remember not to take everything to heart, finding joy and laughter in everyday moments.

Creating a Balanced Daily Routine:

Ensure that your daily routine is manageable and doesn't leave you exhausted. Strive for a healthy balance between your responsibilities, self-care, and quality time spent with your family.

Establishing Financial Security:

Consider your financial situation and plan for the financial responsibilities that come with raising a child. Striving for financial security helps reduce stress and provides stability for your growing family.

Developing a Positive Self-Concept:

Foster a positive self-concept and self-love before pregnancy. Embrace your unique qualities, build self-confidence, and practice self-care, as this will positively impact your parenting journey.

Cultivating Stress Coping Mechanisms:

Develop healthy strategies for managing stress. Engage in activities such as meditation, exercise, or hobbies that bring you joy and promote relaxation. Avoid relying on alcohol or smoking as coping mechanisms, as they can have adverse effects on your health and pregnancy.

Preparing for pregnancy is a magnificent journey that can be further enriched with the guidance and support of a psychologist. Embracing this transformative phase with a professional by your side allows for a profound exploration of emotions, thoughts, and expectations, fostering a deep understanding of oneself and one's partner. Together, you can navigate the intricate tapestry of feelings, address any anxieties or concerns, and cultivate a harmonious mindset. The psychologist's expertise empowers you to build a solid foundation for this new chapter, fostering emotional well-being, and nurturing a positive outlook. With this invaluable preparation, you are beautifully poised to embark on the miraculous path to parenthood with confidence, grace, and the readiness to embrace the wonders of new life.

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Self Care Tips for Parents

Self Care Tips for Parents

Self-Care is essential for all parents regardless of age. It is not a one time thing, but a continuous process.

Following are the tips of every age group of parents, as with every age there are different challenges and different needs.

Parents between the ages of 22-29:

Common problems faced:

1. Financial strain: Balancing the costs of raising a child while potentially dealing with student loans or entry-level jobs.

2. Lack of experience: Navigating the challenges of parenting for the first time and learning as they go.

3. Balancing personal and professional life: Juggling career aspirations with parenting responsibilities.

Self-care tips:

1. Seek support from fellow parents: Join parenting groups or online communities to share experiences, advice, and emotional support.

2. Establish a support network: Rely on trusted family members, friends, or childcare services to give you breaks and support when needed.

3. Practice time management: Prioritize and plan your time to ensure you have dedicated moments for self-care, such as exercise, hobbies, or relaxation activities.

4. Engage in stress-relieving activities: Find activities that help you unwind and reduce stress, such as meditation, yoga, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

5. Health checkups: Schedule regular health checkups, including annual physicals, reproductive health screenings, and vaccinations.

Parents between the ages of 30-39:

Common problems faced:

1. Work-life balance: Managing demanding careers while raising a family and finding time for personal needs.

2. Juggling multiple responsibilities: Meeting the needs of children, maintaining a household, and potentially caring for aging parents.

3. Parental guilt: Feeling torn between work, family, and personal needs, which can lead to guilt or self-doubt.

Self-care tips:

1. Prioritize self-care: Recognize the importance of taking care of yourself. Set boundaries, say no when necessary, and make time for activities that rejuvenate you.

2. Delegate tasks: Share responsibilities with your partner, involve children in age-appropriate chores, or consider seeking help from family members or trusted caregivers.

3. Practice mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to manage stress, enhance self-awareness, and promote well-being.

4. Maintain social connections: Nurture relationships with friends and seek social support. Plan regular outings or social activities to stay connected and maintain a sense of community.

5. Pursue personal interests: Make time for hobbies or activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This can be anything from reading, painting, sports, or joining clubs or classes.

6. Health checkups: Schedule regular health checkups, including preventive screenings, dental exams, and eye exams.

Read article Parents and Teenagers

Parents between the ages of 40-49:

Common problems faced:

1. Physical exhaustion: Managing the demands of busy family lives while experiencing the physical effects of aging.

2. Navigating teenage years: Dealing with the challenges and changes that come with parenting teenagers.

3. Career and family demands: Balancing career growth and meeting family responsibilities can be demanding and overwhelming.

Self-care tips:

1. Focus on holistic health: Prioritize physical well-being through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and adequate sleep. Attend routine health check-ups and address any health concerns promptly.

2. Manage stress: Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as engaging in regular exercise, practicing relaxation techniques, or pursuing activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

3. Nurture relationships: Invest time and effort in maintaining strong relationships with your partner, friends, and children. Plan family activities or date nights to strengthen bonds and create lasting memories.

4. Set realistic expectations: Avoid unnecessary pressure by setting realistic goals for yourself and your family. Practice self-compassion and celebrate small accomplishments along the way.

5. Embrace self-reflection: Take time for self-reflection and personal growth. Consider engaging in therapy, reading self-help books, attending workshops, or pursuing personal development activities.

6. Health checkups: Schedule regular health checkups, including screenings for cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and age-specific cancer screenings.

Parents between the ages of 50-60:

Common problems faced:

1. Empty nest syndrome: Adjusting to the departure of grown children from the family home.

2. Aging-related health concerns: Managing health issues that may arise with age and adapting to physical changes.

3. Transitioning to retirement: Navigating the shift from a career-focused life to a retired lifestyle and finding purpose in this new phase.

Self-care tips:

1. Prioritize physical and mental health: Maintain regular exercise routines, eat a balanced diet, and engage in activities that stimulate your mind, such as puzzles or reading.

2. Embrace new experiences: Explore new hobbies, travel, or engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. Use this time to discover and pursue passions you may have put on hold.

3. Maintain social connections: Stay connected with friends, join social groups, or participate in community activities. Seek opportunities for social engagement and foster meaningful relationships.

4. Practice gratitude: Cultivate a gratitude practice by regularly expressing appreciation for the positive aspects of your life. Keep a gratitude journal or make it a habit to reflect on what you are thankful for.

5. Find purpose: Discover new passions or pursue meaningful activities that align with your values and bring a sense of purpose. Consider volunteering or engaging in activities that contribute to your community.

6. Health checkups: Schedule regular health checkups, including screenings for cardiovascular health, bone density, and age-specific cancer screenings.

Parents aged 60 and above:

Common problems faced:

1. Aging-related challenges: Adjusting to physical limitations, managing chronic health conditions, and adapting to changing energy levels.

2. Care giving responsibilities: Supporting adult children or elderly parents and managing the emotional and physical demands of care giving.

3. Maintaining independence: Striving to maintain independence and a sense of autonomy while potentially facing societal stereotypes about aging.

Self-care tips:

1. Prioritize self-care: Make self-care a priority by attending to your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

2. Stay mentally active: Challenge your mind through activities like puzzles, reading, learning new skills, or engaging in creative endeavors.

3. Cultivate social connections: Stay connected with family, friends, and your community. Seek social engagements and participate in activities that foster a sense of belonging and connection.

4. Practice relaxation techniques: Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, or mindfulness to manage stress and promote overall well-being.

5. Emphasize life balance: Strive for a balance between personal time, care giving responsibilities (if applicable), and pursuing your own interests and passions. Set boundaries and communicate your needs to maintain a healthy balance.

6. Health checkups: Schedule regular health checkups, including screenings for chronic conditions, vision and hearing tests, bone health, and mental health assessments.

Self-care is a continuous process, and it's essential to listen to your own needs and make self-care a priority throughout different stages of parenting and life. Additionally, regular health checkups are important for early detection and prevention of potential health issues. Consult with healthcare professionals to determine appropriate health screenings and checkups based on individual circumstances.

Read Blog Parenting Tweens

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Lucid Dreaming A Journey Into The Heart Of The Mind


Lucid Dreaming A Journey Into The Heart Of The Mind


A phenomena exists in the domain of dreams, where imagination and reality collide, with the capacity to awaken our minds and open astonishing possibilities. Welcome to the dazzling world of lucid dreaming, a fascinating domain in which dreamers become the architects of their own experiences, the lines between imagination and reality blur, and the study of consciousness takes flight. While fully aware that you are in the realm of sleep, picture yourself in a dream where you are not only an observer but also an active participant. A dream in which you have control over the elements, can alter landscapes, and talk to your subconscious mind's creations. This is the enchantment of lucid dreaming, a state that challenges our perceptions of reality and provides profound insights into our own psyche.

In this article we will discover the secrets to self-discovery and personal development during this investigation, which will also help us decipher the symbolism in our dreams and the subconscious hidden layers.
But precisely What is lucid dreaming?

It is the moment when the dreamer awakens within the dream. It is a way to feel more self-aware, creative, and in charge of one's own life. It is a playground where the limits of our imagination fall away and we can use our minds to their fullest potential.


In addition to being able captivate many unique experiences in our dreams, lucid dreaming also provides numerous advantages that can enhance our day-to-day lives. Let's take a closer look at the significant advantages that lucid dreaming provides:

Mindfulness and Self-awareness: For self-discovery and self-awareness, lucid dreaming is a powerful tool. We gain a deeper comprehension of our thoughts, feelings, and actions by becoming conscious in the dream state. This elevated mindfulness can prompt self-improvement, as we can think about our fantasy encounters and make associations with our cognizant existences. We can identify patterns, overcome limitations, and cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves through lucid dreaming.

Self Hypnosis And Mindfulness Workshop

Improved Problem-Solving and Creativity: A fertile ground for unleashing creativity and innovation is lucid dreaming. We can use our imagination, test new ideas, and look at things from different angles in the endless playground of our own dreams.

Various famous specialists, authors, and designers credit clear dreaming for motivating their imaginative leap forwards. In addition, lucid dreaming can serve as a platform for problem-solving, allowing us to simulate real-world scenarios and deal with real-world issues. We can re-enact those encounters which we had in our dreams; into the real world if we get the opportunity.

Overcoming Sleep Disorders and Nightmares: Overcoming sleep disorders and nightmares can be made easier with the help of lucid dreaming. People can alter the narrative however they find comforting, face their fears, and feel empowered by developing the ability to become lucid during terrifying dream scenarios. Clear dreaming strategies can likewise be utilized to ease rest problems like sleep deprivation, as people can enter a condition of unwinding and control inside the fantasy state, advancing tranquil rest.


The extraordinary state of consciousness known as lucid dreaming enables us to become active participants in our dreams. Although spontaneous lucid dreams are possible, there are a number of methods that can make them more likely. Here are a few successful procedures for instigating clear dreams:

Reality checks: To develop a habit of questioning one's state of consciousness, reality checks involve questioning the nature of reality throughout the day. By asking yourself frequently, "Am I dreaming?" what's more, performing basic rude awakenings, for example, attempting to push your finger through your palm or taking a gander at a clock to check whether the time changes suddenly, you lay out a psychological propensity that can persist into your fantasies. You will eventually perform a reality check in a dream and come to the conclusion that you are in fact dreaming.

Keeping a Fantasy Journal: Improved recall of dreams and recognition of recurring dream patterns can both be achieved through the practice of keeping a dream journal. Place a scratch pad and pen by your bedside and record your fantasies quickly after waking. The demonstration of recording your fantasies cements the recollections and trains your psyche to focus harder on your fantasy encounters. Over the long haul, you might begin perceiving dream signs or repeating topics, which can act as triggers for clarity when they show up in later dreams.

Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD): Dr. Stephen LaBerge, a well-known expert in lucid dreaming, developed the MILD method. Mentally repeat a phrase like "Tonight, I will have a lucid dream" before going to sleep. As you repeat this phrase, try to picture yourself becoming lucid in a dream, thinking about the specifics of the dream you want, and keeping the intention in your head. The likelihood of having a lucid dream is increased when verbal affirmation, visualization, and setting goals are combined.

Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming (WILD): WILD involves going directly from being awake to having a lucid dream while remaining conscious the whole time. Relax your body and lay down comfortably before attempting WILD. Pay attention to the sensations and images that come to you as you start to fall asleep. Keep a sensitive harmony among unwinding and mental sharpness, permitting your body to float into rest while keeping your brain conscious. You can enter a lucid dream state without losing consciousness with practice.


Lucid dreams can be fascinating and full of control and manipulation. At the point when you become mindful that you are dreaming inside a clear dream, you gain the capacity to control and control different parts of the fantasy environment deliberately. With this control, you can tailor the dream to your needs, create extraordinary experiences, and push the limits of your imagination. You can control the environment, the characters in your dream, and even your own actions in a lucid dream. You can change the scenery, summon people or objects, fly through the air, and alter the physics laws. Depending on your intention and level of lucid dreaming proficiency, the level of control can range from subtle adjustments to dramatic transformations.

However, it is important to note that personal beliefs, dream control abilities, and dream stability can all have an impact on control and manipulation in lucid dreams. Some people might find it easier to control certain aspects of the dream, while others might face difficulties or restrictions. In lucid dreams, it is essential to approach control and manipulation with responsibility and respect for the dream experience. Since lucid dreaming is a highly personal and subjective experience, it is essential to keep ethical considerations in mind. It's prudent to investigate control and control in clear dreams with the aim of self-investigation, imagination, and self-improvement as opposed to involving it for unsafe or deceptive purposes.

Dream Analysis


The practice of lucid dreaming is an enthralling and transformative one that opens up a vast universe of possibilities. Through the strategies illustrated above, you can upgrade your capacity to become mindful inside your fantasies and set out on inconceivable excursions inside your own brain. You can increase your chances of having lucid dreams by using techniques like MILD, WILD, or WBTB, keeping a dream journal to improve dream recall, and incorporating reality checks into your daily routine. Along your journey to lucid dreaming, technology-assisted methods can also offer helpful support and direction. Lucid dreaming has many advantages, including increased creativity, emotional healing, and skill development in addition to increased self-awareness and personal development. You can explore, solve problems, and grow spiritually through lucid dreaming, which gives you access to the vast potential of your own consciousness. Keep in mind that lucid dreaming requires perseverance, commitment, and an open mind. You can unlock the extraordinary power of your dreaming mind with persistence and a sense of wonder, even if it takes time to master the techniques and consistently have lucid dreams. Therefore, embrace the excitement of lucid dreaming. Give yourself permission to delve deeply into your subconscious, decipher the mysteries of your dreams, and capitalize on the transformative potential that is contained therein. Awakening the full range of your human experience through lucid dreaming is an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery, creativity, and limitless exploration.

Embrace the force of lucidity, and may your fantasies become the material whereupon you paint the phenomenal embroidery of your own awareness. (The views/opinions are solely of the Interns and is there for general information and awareness purpose only. It is strongly recommended that people should always consult the professionals. Call us at +919899201645, +919911401645, to know more about appointments.)

Vishwas Healing Centre brings to you more than 25 healing modalities along-with counselling. Like - Psychotherapies (CBT, REBT, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression etc.), Energy Healing (Touch Healing, Distance Healing, Crystal Healing etc.) and much more. Such modalities work miraculously to help you deal with the issues and heal. We also provided trainings and workshops.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2023

How Can Remote Home Scanning and Healing Benefit Your Wellbeing


How Can Remote Home Scanning and Healing Benefit Your Well-Being?

Home Energy Scanning and Distant Healing are two interrelated practices that involve using energy healing techniques remotely without physically being present with the client. It’s all about how we respond to pain and emotionally challenging situations, how we process what’s happening and how healing takes place.

How does energy scanning happen remotely?  

This is the process of scanning and assessing the energy field of a person or space from a distance. Here in this approach Practitioners typically use their intuitive abilities or specialized tools, such as pendulums or dowsing rods, to detect any imbalances, blockages, or disturbances in the client’s energy field. The framework of this assessment is to identify areas of your life that may require deep healing or energetic interventions.

How does distant healing happen?

Distant Healing is another modality of alternate healthcare in which the actual process is focused towards sending healing energy to someone or something remotely, without the physical presence of the therapist. Practitioners may integrate or use energy therapy techniques, including reiki, prayer, visualization, or intention, to energetically support the recipient's well-being and facilitate healing. The practitioner may also use the information gathered through the home energy scanning to focus the healing energy on specific areas or issues.

Both home energy scanning and distant healing operate on the principle that energy is not bound by space or time. Energy can be accessed and directed remotely, allowing for healing to occur at a distance. These practices can be beneficial when the recipient cannot be physically present for an energy healing session or when immediate interventions are needed.

 Benefits of Home Healing:

1. Creating A Positive Living Space: Distant home scanning and healing aim to create a positive living space by addressing any energetic imbalances or disturbances. This involves identifying areas of stagnant or negative energy and implementing remedies to restore balance and promote positivity in the home.

2. Removing Negative Energy: Distant home scanning can help identify areas or objects in the home that may be holding negative energy. This could be due to past events, emotional residues, or external influences. Once identified, appropriate energetic healing techniques can be used to clear and remove the negative energy, allowing for a more harmonious and uplifting environment.

Learn 30 Easy Ways to Scan and Cleanse Negativity from your Home and Office

3. Reducing Stress And Anxiety: The energy in our homes can significantly impact our well-being. Distant home scanning and healing techniques can help reduce stress and anxiety by addressing energetic imbalances that may be contributing to these feelings. By promoting a more balanced and positive energy flow, the home environment can become more conducive to relaxation, peace, and overall well-being.

4. Improving Physical Health: Energetic imbalances in our homes can potentially affect our physical health. Distant home scanning and healing can identify areas where energy may be stagnant or disrupted, potentially impacting the health of the occupants. By addressing these imbalances, promoting positive energy flow, and creating a harmonious environment, it may support overall physical health and well-being.

5. Promoting Creativity And Productivity: A home with balanced and positive energy can enhance creativity and productivity. Distant home scanning and healing can identify areas of the home that may be hindering creative or productive energy. By addressing these areas and promoting a harmonious energy flow, it can create an environment that supports inspiration, focus, and productivity.

6. Enhancing Relationships: The energy in our homes can influence our relationships with others. Distant home scanning and healing can help identify any energetic imbalances or disturbances that may be impacting the relationships within the household. By restoring balance, promoting positive energy, and creating a harmonious environment, it can potentially enhance communication, harmony, and connection between family members or roommates.

Overall, Distant Home Scanning and Healing aim to uplift and harmonize the energy in our living spaces, creating a positive and supportive environment for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is important to note that the effectiveness of these practices may vary depending on individual beliefs and experiences.

Click Here to learn about Detox Home Energy Workshop

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