Thursday, October 3, 2019

Overcome negative thinking through Past Life Regression

Vishwas Healing Centre believes that fear seems to be a root cause of many of these problems. It’s no wonder many of you here are living in a fearful world where it appears nothing is reliable.

It can be quite disturbing for many people to realize almost everything in life is ultimately out of your control from the whether to your bank account balance, to your relationships. Many of you today have a deep fear that all the things they rely on for their security will sooner or later fail them. It seems that this struggle against negative thinking has now become a battle in your mind.

We know, a lot of you are doing your best on to be successful in your relationships, this is really a challenging & satisfying endeavor to think, but there are times that you fall for your negative thoughts.

This is the reason why you need to go for Past Life Regression sessions to overcome your negative thinking so that you gain the enlightenment from your subconscious mind.

The point here is, when you are in the clouds of negative thoughts, it would be the same as being in a dark room. You feel afraid, you cannot see clearly, you feel left behind & you simply want to get out of this room. That feeling is the same when you are full of negative thoughts. This is the reason why it would never lead you to the success that u are aiming for in your relationships.

But no matter how hard you try to avoid it, there will always come a time that you will be in a negative thinking state. What you now need to do is to know how to properly deal with these times. Well, these suffocating moments can only be healed through Past Life Regression sessions.

Learn more visit : Past Life Regression

To access similar inspiring tips consult Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma on 9899201645, 9911401645 !

Monday, August 19, 2019

How to think laterally using Cognitive Hypnotherapy

There is nothing more exciting than thinking of a new idea. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing a new idea work. There is nothing more useful than a new idea that helps you meet a goal. The point here is lateral thinking, is the ability to think creatively, or “outside the box” basically, to use your inspiration and imagination to solve problems by looking at them from unexpected perspectives. Creative thinking is not a talent; it is a skill that can be learnt. It empowers you by adding strength to your natural abilities. Thinking is perhaps the most significant mental activity in all of you. Whatever the human achievements and progress you see, it is all due to the thought processes in our human mind. The great evolution in history, arts, culture, tradition, science and medicine are possible because of human thoughts. Thought always precedes action and both of them are inseparable. All actions start soon after a spell of thinking.
Well thinking always initiates itself with a problem at hand and it always ends with a solution. The thinking process differs with different people. Some people have a high degree of thinking that can be too sophisticated, while many others may not have a marked degree of thinking. Finding a solution to the problem depends on one’s ability to think and devise a plan in the mind. The quality of thinking process that you adapt to solve the problem, ultimately decides the efficacy and quality of the solution. Thinking always leads to action. Action will end in solutions! Hence, right type of thinking can lead to most suitable solutions that are more practical and result oriented. Thinking is always deliberate, though some types of thinking are subconscious. And today we will talk about the subconscious. But before that we will talk a bit about “insight” first. Are you familiar with the word insight? In the context of creative thinking it means an idea that appears in the conscious mind from subconscious, with no immediately preceding conscious thought or effort. It’s the proverbial ‘Aha!’ or ‘Eureka!’ moment, when an idea pops into your mind out of the blue. There are many accounts of creative breakthroughs made through insight, from Archimedes in the bathtub onwards. So the mind has always been the primary vehicle of achievements and growth both in relationships and in life. It is even more so in today’s intellectual economy driven by knowledge, creativity and innovation.
The point here is we only use 10% of our mind power. 10-percent — that’s it. Let’s say, tomorrow, you start working in a company & you start earning. Now think of going through life only spending 10-percent of your salary? Could you do it? No! Yet you go through life only using 10% of the power of your conscious mind. That 10-percent is creating 75% of all success, failures, sickness everything in our life right now because we don’t even know how to use it properly. Now imagine if you just used 10% of our mind’s power correctly? What would happen? What would happen if we learned to use 90% of our subconscious mind’s power correctly? Imagine if we could properly direct our subconscious mind? The results would be phenomenal! The problem is, a lot of what has been imprinted or programmed into the subconscious mind could be called “faulty programming” & that we get from our socio cultural educational & religious upbringing. Examples of faulty programming are thought habits like telling ourselves that we can’t do something, can’t have something, don’t deserve something, etc. When we repeat these often enough, to the point where they become part of our programming, we can’t help but create situations in our life that validate and express what we hold in our subconscious mind. Well the conscious mind is like the programmer. It’s the thinking mind. However, the conscious mind is influenced by filters that our predominant thoughts have created and stored in the subconscious. The subconscious mind, just like a computer, does not judge or discriminate between what can and cannot be achieved or obtained. However, the conscious mind evaluates a situation and says, “you can’t do this or have that” based on the programming in place within the subconscious! So we can see it can be a vicious circle. When we learn to master our conscious mind, and imprint the right programming into the subconscious, we will be absolutely unstoppable. We will then have full control of the subconscious mind’s incredible powers to make us aware of opportunities, people, resources and situations that we need in order to have or do something; and, it will make our actions effortless and natural.
Manifesting what we want will truly be easy when we harness the power of our subconscious mind. Physical reality, as well as our thoughts and emotions, are nothing but vibrations of energy. This basically means that the energy of our thoughts can, and does, influence matter. What we focus on our predominant thoughts is what we attract. So think about your inner speech. What does your mind fear? What does it believe? What do you tell yourself, day in and day out? What does your mind do when you introduce a new idea that is in conflict with your subconscious programming? Most of the time, we are not aware of our inner speech. We go through our days on autopilot – most of our actions and speech patterns are nothing but regurgitated data stored in the subconscious. Yes, it makes life easier. Imagine how hard it would be to think about how to tie your shoes every time you had to do it – it’s a lot of mental effort that has become automated!
Awareness of our inner speech gives us the information we need to master our mind. If our circumstances are not to our liking, it’s because we have been thinking and feeling in a way that has pointed our mind in a certain direction, and that is where our life is headed! So when we become aware of the nature of our inner speech, we can imprint new programming and totally change the direction of our life. Change comes from within. We can change jobs, end relationships, move on etc. – but unless we “change our mind” from within, we will just attract more of the same – or our changes will be temporary at best. It will be “same stuff, different face/location/job. And this change can be done with the help of cognitive hypnotherapy. As we are very much aware that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is now in use worldwide, while hypnotherapy as a technique continues to attract serious interest from the professional community. Integrating the two, the field becomes cognitive hypnotherapy and this field actually uses the natural trance states of clients to unlock subconscious thoughts and memory patterns that can generate and sustain problems. Cognitive hypnotherapy works within the client’s model of the world, so that changes are more likely to be subconsciously accepted and become permanent.
There is a variety of hypnotic strategies for accessing and restructuring conscious, semiconscious (automatic), and unconscious cognitive distortions and negative self-schemas. Three strategies for uncovering and restructuring maladaptive cognitions in hypnotherapy are:
(a) Regression to Recent Event
(b) Regression to the Original Trauma
(c) Editing and Deleting “Subconscious files”
Regression to Recent /Activating Event: This technique is utilized to access subconscious maladaptive cognitions related to a recent event that triggered depressive affect. While in hypnotherapy, the client is given suggestions to recall the situation that caused a recent upset. Then the client is instructed to remember his or her emotional, physiological, and behavioral responses and then to become aware of the associated dysfunctional cognitions. Encouragement is given to identify or “freeze” (frame by frame, as in a movie) faulty cognitions evident in the client’s thoughts, beliefs, images, fantasies, and daydreams. Once a particular set of faulty cognitions is frozen, the patient is coached to replace them with more appropriate thinking or imagination, and then to attend to the resulting (desirable) syncretic response. This process is repeated until the set of faulty cognitions related to a specific situation is considered to be successfully restructured.
Regression to the Original Trauma: Within the Cognitive Hypnotherapy context, this strategy can be used when it becomes important to identify the origin of core beliefs. Hypnotic regression can bridge the link between client’s affect and cognition by helping him or her remember the original incident that has led to an emotional breakdown. Once these core maladaptive cognitions are identified, the Circle of Life Technique can used to help to create the right perspective. The Circle of Life Technique is a strategy commonly used in CBT to counter all- or-nothing thinking. The therapist draws a large circle on a board or sheet of paper and fills it with large dots, each dot representing an activity. Then the therapist asks the client: “As you can see from the number of dots, we do hundreds of things daily. Do you know of anyone who does everything well?” (Usually the answer is “No.”) “Do you know of anyone who does everything badly?” (Again, the usual answer is “No.”) Then the therapist points out, “Therefore, no one is all good or bad. We are all a mixture of good and bad.” Then the client is encouraged in hypnotherapy to give himself or herself go back in time and work and heal the personality who was confused and in a state of shock.
Editing and Deleting Subconscious Files : Another method for cognitive restructuring in hypnotherapy involves the computer metaphor of editing and deleting old files. This method is particularly appealing to children and adolescents. When the client is in hypnosis, the client is first instructed to become aware of the “good feelings” (after ego strengthening and amplification of positive feelings) and then directed to focus on personal achievements and successes (adult ego state). Here attempts are made to get the client to focus on higher order skills of cognition, judgment, and reality testing. Once this is achieved, the client is ready to work on modifying old learning and past experiences. To begin, the client in hypnosis is instructed to imagine opening an old computer file containing old beliefs or outdated behaviors or feelings that require editing or deletion. At the outset of the session, it is usually decided which file the patient would be working on during the hypnosis session. Once the client is able to access the specified file, he or she is instructed to edit or delete it, paying particular attention to dysfunctional cognition’s, maladaptive behaviors, and negative feelings “in the file.” By metaphorically editing the file, the client is able to mitigate cognitive distortions, magical thinking, self-blaming, and other self-defeating mental scripts.
Other hypnotic uncovering or restructuring procedures (such as an affect bridge, age regression, age progression, and dream induction) are also used to explore and restructure negative self-schema.
The point here is the things that we are most likely to call “problems” can be understood as (negative) everyday trance states. That is, ineffective or damaging pieces of subconscious programming. And the core objective of cognitive hypnotherapy is to dehypnotise the client out of their problematic trance states in order to live life more happily, become more productive, and achieve more.
To access similar inspiring tips consult Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma on 7982736638, 9911401645 or Visit: Related Blogs

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Women’s Retreat Redefining Femininity!

In this patriarchal, male-dominated culture many women are conditioned to think of themselves as “less-than” and not deserving or worthy. This feeling of “less-than” has been internalized and passed down through countless generations of women. Vishwas Healing Centre believes that, the cultural atmosphere of female oppression puts daughters in a “double bind.” Simply put, if a daughter internalizes her mother’s subconscious beliefs (which is some subtle form of “I’m not good enough”) then she has her mother’s approval but has in some way betrayed herself and her potential. However, if she doesn’t internalize her mother’s subconscious beliefs in her own limitations but rather affirms her own power and potential, she is aware that her mother may subconsciously see this as a personal rejection. The daughter doesn’t want to risk losing her mother’s love and approval, so internalizing these limiting, subconscious beliefs is a form of loyalty and emotional survival for the daughter. It may feel dangerous for a woman to actualize her full potential because it may mean risking some form of rejection by her mother. This is because the daughter may subconsciously sense that her full empowerment may trigger the mother’s sadness or rage at having had to give up parts of herself in her own life. Her compassion for her mother, a desire to please her, and a fear of conflict may cause her to convince herself that it’s safer to shrink and remain small.
Keeping these aspects in mind our women’s retreat is focused on emotionally empowering women in their relationships and life. Having said that we have a question to all the women across the world are you truly living an inspired life? Well we are not asking if you hope to, but are you? Do you feel the energy and lust for a life being well lived? Or are you hiding in the shadows of the daily grind, one weary day after never-ending day?
Many women today feel that they need the mind, body and soul relaxation and perhaps seeking to find a wellness retreat that can nourish their emotional needs. We at Vishwas Healing Centre believe that many young women today working hard to fulfill diverse roles & responsibilities and in that process they might find that they truly need a vacation time to rejuvenate themselves. Women will for sure learn to disarm and blossom into who they were created to be. This amazing retreat of healing and transformation will have a new language for understanding their own psychology, new ways of seeing and relating to themselves and also a new freedom to embrace the full spectrum of feminine expression and power.
Indeed, this amazing spiritual retreat for women can bring affect motivation to live this life in an inspired way. When this effective motivation occurs, you can mobilized to move away what you don’t want and can be strongly drawn to what you do want. Our intent through this retreat is to help women in healing their emotional crisis so that they may have stronger and healthier families. When a woman is centered and happy everyone benefits: her family and her community. We have a commitment and our commitment is to value, nurture and empower women throughout their life’s journey. We strongly believe that all women’s lives include a mixture of celebrations, challenges, and truly difficult moments in their relationships. Indeed its our love and privilege to be present with women through it all. Our retreat has a cleansing effect and often helps to release blocked emotions and creativity, open and clear the mind, and connect you to your body and nature’s resources in a new way. This apart with the help of these retreat you become positive role models for your future generations. We would also want to tell you that the most powerful healing system which heals your karma is by accessing your past life and this happens through sessions of past life regression is even incorporated with various healing modalities during this retreat programme.

It’s high time women across the world needs to be introduced with Vishwas Healing Centre’s Women’s Retreat. We are cent percent sure that retreat will help you in tapping thoughts from your own subconscious mind on how to live a bold life. A bold life doesn’t depend on interests and personalities. For us a bold life is when a woman does what it takes to speak their truth, walk their talk, and use their gifts and talents with joy, passion and meaning. And so today we invite you all to redefine your emotions & redefine your femininity through our beautiful & wonderful retreat programme.
To access similar inspiring tips consult Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma on 9899201645, 9911401645 or Visit:

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Past Life Regression Therapy

The Empowered you is powerful beyond measures and beautiful beyond description. Keeping these parameters in hand, journey of subconscious mind is needed for you. Let's understand this concept with a very simple example that many of you will resonate.

Suppose you buy a car, you want to feel good about the purchase. Feeling good is the end result you seek but there are many paths to get there. One person may think of experiencing the joy that he or she will get when while gifting the car to his or her spouse, girl friend or boyfriend. Other person worry about safety concerns with children in the car. In order to feel better emotionally they buy a large SUV. Another person may have strong beliefs about the environment and feels better when they satisfy these beliefs. They might buy a hybrid car. A third person may be frugal with their money and think it’s stupid to pay full price for anything. Not wanting to fall into their own belief criteria of being stupid, they buy a used car or will not buy a car. Each person’s means to feeling happy about their choice is a completely different path in car buying. Each person has different assumptions and beliefs they have to meet in order to get to that emotion. For these people it isn’t the car or the clothes that makes them happy. They feel better because they have satisfied the beliefs in the mind. Each person’s emotional happiness is behind a barrier of criteria. The point here is, a new car, clothes, or losing weight is just a means to an emotion based on a belief. A belief can change and then the emotion shifts. At the end of the day, if you don’t have a handle on your beliefs, becoming happy is a moving target that is likely to get away from you. And this is why, you need Past Life Regression sessions so that you can handle your beliefs & create a better emotional & prosperous life. Indeed, a life that is truly empowered in all aspects. Know more call us at 9899201645, 9911401645 !!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Crystal Healing Therapy Rose Quartz’s 5 Ball Application !

Unfortunately, too many of us were raised by parents who are emotionally wounded and were not open to heal their wounds. Their wounded self-charged with the intent to protect/ avoid/ control, so they couldn’t share love with each other or with us. Many of them actually couldn’t become a right role model with an open heart. And I have realized over these beautiful 15 years of my journey of life as a healeras a practitioner & as a trainer, working with crystals has given me new vision to see my life in a different way. I, can now say that i have become more secure, more evolved and more at peace. Also, i could become a role model for myself and doors of my heart is now open.

Thanks to the amazing crystals which came into my life and made me feel that i am born again. 

In many of my Feng Shui visits, I used to come across a problem, that is; besides all financial and materialistic pleasures, people were not happy and used to feel that each member is going in different directions, without a common vision. They are not connected from their hearts. Love, cooperation and coordination happened to be missing in these families. But Rose Quartz somehow has given me an eternal hope while looking at these families. 

Crystals have never disappointed me. Today I am able to share my rich wisdom of my healing journey with you because of these precious crystals. 

As a healer i have been gifted with some of the most amazing and unique universal wisdom while channeling. And this channeling is very much needed for cleansing and energizing the crystals, without which crystals can’t display its magnificent powers in restoring your hearts, relationships, prosperity and life. Over the years crystals that were cleansed and energized through me has helped and healed thousands of people across the world. Maybe it was God’s will or the universe wanted me to serve across the world. And which is one of the reasons why today I make sure that the services i offer to my clients include helping them to choose the right kind of crystals that they actually need in their life. And perhaps i have become one of the biggest distributors of rarest kind of crystals. And these crystals before you buy from me, i make sure that, I even clean and energize with my special 3 days channeling process, so that your needs and requirements are met. 

Today i am keen to share one of my favorite “Crystal Healing Therapy Approach”; Rose Quartz’s 5 Ball Application

In a Crystal bowl, place 5 equal size rose quartz balls after it’s cleansing and energizing process. Hold in your hand and say a silent prayer

I am attracting love and peace within my family, we enjoy mutual love and coordination” thrice, repeat silently. Place it in the centre of the house. or we can also place it at the centre table of our sitting area. 

Once you do this crystals healing approach, i am cent percent sure that, this will bring love, harmony in your relationship with your spouse and family members. Needless to mention that within 3 full moons, I have always received a lot thanks, and happy feedback of bringing the rose quartz in their journey of life. Indeed, it is an amazingly beautiful crystal. Will keep sharing more experiences.

Enjoy Life!

Read related Blogs

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Crystal Healing Therapy Rose Quartz's 5 Ball Application !

Unfortunately, too many of us were raised by parents who are emotionally wounded and were not open to heal their wounds.Their wounded self-charged with the intent to protect/ avoid/ control, so they couldn't share love with each other or with us. Many of them actually couldn't become a right role model with an open heart. And I have realized over these beautiful 15 years of my journey of life as a healer, as a practitioner & as a trainer, working with crystals has given me new vision to see my life in a different way. I, can now say that i have become more secure, more evolved and more at peace. Also, i could become a role model for myself and doors of my heart is now open.

Thanks to the amazing crystals which came into my life and made me feel that i am born again. 

In many of my Feng Shui visits, I used to come across a problem, that is; besides all financial and materialistic pleasures, people were not happy and used to feel that each member is going in different directions, without a common vision. They are not connected from their hearts. Love, cooperation and coordination happened to be missing in these families. But Rose Quartz somehow has given me an eternal hope while looking at these families. 

Crystals have never disappointed me. Today I am able to share my rich wisdom of my healing journey with you because of these precious crystals. 

As a healer i have been gifted with some of the most amazing and unique universal wisdom while channeling. And this channeling is very much needed for cleansing and energizing the crystals, without which crystals can’t display its magnificent powers in restoring your hearts, relationships, prosperity and life. Over the years crystals that were cleansed and energized through me has helped and healed thousands of people across the world. Maybe it was God’s will or the universe wanted me to serve across the world. And which is one of the reasons why today I make sure that the services i offer to my clients include helping them to choose the right kind of crystals that they actually need in their life. And perhaps i have become one of the biggest distributors of rarest kind of crystals. And these crystals before you buy from me, i make sure that, I even clean and energize with my special 3 days channeling process, so that your needs and requirements are met. 

Today i am keen to share one of my favorite “Crystal Healing Therapy Approach”; Rose Quartz's 5 Ball Application

In a Crystal bowl, place 5 equal size rose quartz balls after it's cleansing and energizing process. Hold in your hand and say a silent prayer.
"I am attracting love and peace within my family, we enjoy mutual love and coordination" thrice, repeat silently. Place it in the centre of the house. or we can also place it at the centre table of our sitting area. 

Once you do this crystals healing approach, i am cent percent sure that, this will bring love, harmony in your relationship with your spouse and family members. Needless to mention that within 3 full moons, I have always received a lot thanks, and happy feedback of bringing the rose quartz in their journey of life. Indeed, it is an amazingly beautiful crystal. Will keep sharing more experiences.

Enjoy Life!

Read related Blogs

Friday, March 22, 2019

6 Reasons Pre-marital Counselling is Crucial for Couples!

A study published in the Journal of Family Psychology reveals that couples who opt for pre-marital counselling experience higher levels of conjugal satisfaction than couples who don’t go for it. Moreover, these couples, experience a 30% drop in the possibility of divorce over a 5-year period.

Pre-marital counselling is a wise choice as it can help you and your partner to better understand the dynamics of your relationship and build the foundation of a happy future together.

A pre-marital counselling helps you with the following factors:-

Hygiene: Apart from stressing on the importance of personal health and hygiene, you would also hear a gynecologist, emphasizing on the significance of sexual hygiene for a problem-free married life. While preventing infections that may affect your reproductive system, maintaining sexual hygiene can also significantly elevate the overall hygiene levels of your entire body.
Sex: Pre-marital sex counselling is essential as it helps to fill in the gaps in your knowledge of sex. During your consultation with a gynecologist, you can expect to receive information about the male and female anatomy as well as about the actual act. Even thoughts like sex can be painful get addressed during the counselling.
Contraceptives: Counselling sessions with a gynecologist can also help you in getting your facts right about pregnancy. He or she could guide you on how to work out safe and unsafe days to have sex; talk to you about contraceptive methods; and best family planning practices.
Folic acid for pregnancy: During a counselling session, you can expect to be encouraged by a gynecologist to have Vitamin B (folic acid) before and during your pregnancy to avert birth defects in the brain and spinal cord of your potential offspring.  
Vaccines: Opting for a counselling session before marriage can help you to learn about vaccines that will protect you against cervical cancer (cancer of the cervix caused mainly by HPV- a virus) and rubella (a disease caused by the rubella virus, which can cause miscarriage, birth defects and stillbirth).
Medical investigations:
You should also expect investigations based on the following tests
Complete blood count test: The aim of this test is to assess your overall health and identify a range of disorders such as anemia, leukemia, and infection to name a few.
Fasting/blood sugar test: The test is performed to diagnose diabetes.  A fasting blood glucose level of less than 100mg/dl is considered normal.
Thyroid stimulating hormone test: This test is taken to check for problems in the thyroid gland.
Rubella test: It is used to identify antibodies that are formed in the blood, as a result of immunization or the rubella infection.
HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography): The test is performed to determine Thalassemia.
Urine microscopy: The test helps in determining the condition of your urinary tract and kidney. It identifies injury, presence of disease or inflammation of these areas.

To access similar inspiring health tips consult us at 9899201645, 9911401645 or visit : Vishwas Healing Centre

Monday, March 18, 2019

Did You Know That You May Be Suffering From Panic Disorder If You Have Panic Attacks!

A person visits the doctor if he/she is suffering from any illness. However, in case of any mental illness or condition, one either is not aware or ignores it. Many patients also opt for self-treatment measures which are not advisable.

Panic disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses observed in most of the people. The patient suffers from panic attacks in such cases. These attacks are a sudden surge of fear and anxiety. Know about it and take necessary steps when it happens.

Symptoms of a Panic Disorder:

It is difficult to recognize any mental illness, especially a panic disorder as most of the symptoms of a panic attack are similar to that of a heart attack. However, there are a few symptoms, which help people identify and differentiate between panic attack and heart attack.

Some of these are listed below:

1) Pounding of the heart
2) Discomfort or chest pain
3) Hyperventilation or shortness of breath
4) Shaking or trembling
5) Feeling detached from the surrounding
6) Excessive sweating
7) Choking
8) Nausea
9) Tingling sensation
10) Cold flashes
11) Feeling of losing control or dying
12) Causes of having panic attacks

It is almost impossible to identify the exact reason behind the panic attack as various incidents cause the condition. A genetic tendency is one of the major reasons behind the panic attacks. Stress is another primary reason behind these attacks and is common for those people who have recently joined college, a new workplace or are newly married. A panic attack can also be due to other physical or medical conditions.

How to deal with Panic Attacks?

The best way to deal with panic attacks is to consult a professional, who will advise or help the patient to handle the situations. If the doctor is not available, then it is suggested to follow a few measures that might help one deal with the condition.

A few measures to follow: -

It is recommended to avoid any addictive activity such as smoking or drinking as it aggravates panic disorder and increases the frequency in which a person might have panic attacks.

It is advised to learn to control the breathing as this helps a lot during the panic attacks. When an attack sets in, the patient loses control over breathing and suffers from shortness of breath, which increases the effect of the attack. It is advised to take deep breaths as it helps improve the situation and relieve the mind from stress.
It is suggested to exercise and practice relaxation techniques regularly as this helps control the situation. This also reduced the magnitude and frequency of the panic attack, as it calms the mind, thus relieving stress.
Panic disorder is a serious issue, if not handled properly might lead to severe problems. Hence, it is advised to seek the advice of a professional at the early stage.

To access similar inspiring health tips consult us at 9899201645, 9911401645 
any time or visit: Vishwas Healing Centre

Dr Pooja Anand Sharma
Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Alternate Healing Therapist
Vishwas Healing Centre

Monday, February 11, 2019

How To Prevent & Fix Spine Problems !

The spine is the most influential part of the body. We need to know where our hip joint and knee joint are connected, most of us don’t think much about the spine until something goes wrong and back pain flares. People simply don’t know that they have spine joints 24 pairs of them and they need to be taken care of.
Here are a few tips for everyday techniques that could prevent & fix back problems:
1. Sit Up Straight
Poor posture can put your back out of whack and lead to pain. Align your ears over your shoulders. Pull back your shoulder blades, or “angel wings.” People with great posture usually have self-confidence in spades.
2. Heads Up
Keep your head up when you’re on your smart device. In a neutral position, an adult head weighs 10 to 12 pounds. As the head tilts forward the forces on the spine begin to increase, and make the head effectively weigh 27 pounds at 15 degrees and 60 pounds at 60 degrees. So instead of bending your neck, look down at your device with your eyes. It’s good to stretch your neck, however, with bending and extension range-of-motion exercises: Bend your head forward, then extend it back. Turn left, then right; tilt left, then right. Do this a few times daily.
3. Breathe
Simply place your hands on your stomach and feel the movement as you inhale and exhale. Be conscious of breathing throughout the day, taking deep breaths. Deep breathing stimulates the spinal nerves.
4. Watch Your Diet
Calcium and vitamin D supplementation are important to spinal health. There is also evidence that Omega 3 and Vitamin B help nerve metabolism. Drink lots of water for spinal hydration.
5. Sleep Well
Sleeping on your side is best for your spine. Layer two pillows: a firmer one on the bottom and softer one on top. Your head should be in neutral-neither too high or low. A firm mattress with a soft pillow top is also a plus.
If you are facing any spine problems, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain call at 9899201645, 9911401645 !!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

How to build rock steady relationship !

Relationships have often been compared to babies who need nursing and care to slowly mature into an embodiment with character and nature. It is on you and your partner to make your relationship grow and take the necessary steps in the right direction for spending a lifetime of bliss in each other’s presence.

5 tips to take your relationship to the next level:

Reality lies in the present: -

Often while walking on the path of life you stumble upon numerous instances all of which may not be pleasant, or in your favor. This could have happened to you or your partner. Do not judge him/her based on their past. People mature with time and mistakes often prove to be the best teachers. Rest assured that the person standing next to you is a wiser soul today.

Trust is a must: -

Trust works like a sealing factor in a relationship. Only when you start trusting a person fully, you can say that you are in love and you have accepted someone completely. Trust issues often make us apprehensive and gets us worked up over nothing and has the ability to turn something promising into ash. If there are any misunderstandings or any doubts, clear them out directly. There is no better alternative to clarity and a one to one approach. Doubt only makes things worse.

Take a bird’s eye view on your fight: -

There is no relationship in this world devoid of conflicts and arguments. If your objective is to keep your relationship safe irrespective of its internal dynamics, you should think beyond your own interest and think about the two of you as one entity. Don’t put your conflicts on the backburner, instead look to resolve them at the earliest. You want to get through your day without the unsavory incident going on a loop in the back of your mind.

Expel expectations: -

Accept life as it comes. Expectations shall disappoint you in more than one level and it also becomes the most probable cause for a number of fights. You must learn to accept your partner as he/she is. Coming from different walks of life you are bound to have differences. Learn to admire the variety instead of trying to even out the disparities and this path shall just seem to be a bit easier.

Film-fling-flopped: -

Romance is not even close to what it is seen in films. 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai' has set a sky-high false standard in our minds but surely being in love and dancing to no music (if you can recollect this scene where ‘Shah Rukh Khan’ and ‘Kajol’ dance to an imaginative piano tune in a forlorn gazebo) does not sound sane. Build your own unique romantic relationship. Find romance in practicality and in daily life. Unlike the reel life, love in real life is not all about glitz and glamour.

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Dr Pooja Anand Sharma
Psychologist and Alternate Healing Therapist
Vishwas Healing Centre