Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Spiritual Parenting And Its Power

Spiritual Parenting And Its Power

 We could establish the importance of spirituality in every individual’s life but the main question is when does one start developing one’s spirituality? Just as learning a new art, childhood is the best time, in the same way, childhood can become the stepping stone toward an individual being spiritual. But how can a child know about the concept of spirituality? For a child to indulge in spiritual practices, the parents should be aware and be spiritual themselves.

So, if you are a parent who wants your child to adapt to spirituality in their life, ask yourself this question, “Am I spiritually aware myself?”. “Children are like sponges they will absorb what their surrounding provides.” Hence, the parents must be careful of what their children are being exposed to.

For example, a big part of being spiritual is accepting oneself. If the parent or parents find fault in their child and compare their shortcomings with the strengths of others, the child will never learn to accept themselves. The first acceptance always comes from parents. Even before children are aware of themselves, the parents need to accept their children just as they are. Yes, there are areas of improvement but that is what they are, “improvements” not changes. Encourage your child to become the better version of themselves but not change them completely. Highlight their qualities, and talents and above all, accept yourself as a parent. Only when you accept yourself will you accept your child, which will lead to your child accepting themselves. It is all a cycle which starts with the parent.

Read Blog Parenting Tweens

As a parent, are you aware of the purpose that you have? Are you aware of your role in your child’s life? An answer to those questions can help you begin the spiritual journey with your child. A very important fact to remember is to never confuse religion and spirituality. They are two separate concepts. Yes, in a country like ours, it is difficult to see the differences because our religion is based on spirituality. But to know the difference, we need to look deeper into the scriptures of the saints and sages and not only look into the divinity of it. Even while reading the stories of our Gods and Goddesses, we must look more into the values and morals they provide with or without devotion. The existence of Gods and Goddesses in our scriptures doesn’t make it mandatory for us to be devotional and sacrificial towards them. We can simply be spiritual and learn from their stories instead of always being devotional. You need to understand and accept that your child does not need to be devotional or religious to become spiritual.

Your role as a parent is to introduce your child to the lifestyle of spirituality and with time, they will find their path albeit different from yours, but a path all the same. But you need to begin your spiritual journey for your child to follow, hence, start the foundation today with yourself.

There are some points for parents:-

1. Help them stay connected to what they’ve come into this world with, which is the awareness that we’re all one.

 2. Let them stay grounded in the love they feel, for all people who smile at them, and the love they feel for nature.

3. Refrain from squeezing their inner wisdom out of them at an early age.

4. Raise your spiritual selves. To raise a child with integrity is to have integrity.


Contact us at –  +9198992 01645,  +919911401645 or visit us – to know more about the courses and workshops, and to step on the path of developing yourself.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Learn 30 Easy Ways to Scan and Cleanse Negativity from your Home and Office


Learn 30 easy ways to cleanse and scan your home or office for negative energy.

What is Home Scanning?

In order to understand home scanning let’s understand this concept in the most simplest ways. The home energies are scanned by the Masters distantly. They are energy sensitive and thus can find the energy blockages in the homes. Once they discover the energy blockages they even suggest you with remedies that you need to sort out in your home & life.

What do you need to do to get your home scanning done?

You are required to share the images of your home. This apart details about the homeowner.

home scanning

What happens after home scanning?

You are suggested remedies according to your home energies and the blockages the Master may feel while scanning.

What are the remedies?

Remedies are simple, easy to do techniques that help with energy clearance and raise the vibrations of your home.

It can be as simple as placing some crystals in your homes or burning camphor remedies and much more, as according to the energy of your home.

What is Home Healing?

Home healing is done by the Masters and Healers distantly. It is a minimum 21 day process. To remove the negativity, blockages from your home and increase the vibrations. Through this healing approach you invite more love, affection and cooperation within family members, more abundance, decrease of tensions in relationships, decrease of aggression in the house,  enhance more peace and calmness in the house, also you might invite new opportunities in your life, and more.

Some of the key benefits of home healing include:

Removing negativity and toxic energy from home

Good health of family members

Raising vibrations of home

Inviting positivity and prosperity

Inviting financial abundance

Increasing love, understanding and cooperation within family members

Increasing peace, calmness and relaxation in home environment

Reducing health issues and finance issues

Decreasing fights and aggression among family members

More opportunities

Healing relationships

Creating a beautiful and inviting environment

Healing financial Debts and loans

Sorting out legal  Disputes in families

Healing grief, loss and separation of loved ones

Creating Harmony between younger and older generations

Click here to learn about the Detox Home Energy Workshop.

Feel free to reach us on Call/WhatsApp at 8368488750, 9899201645, 9911401645

Friday, November 11, 2022

Who Is Spiritual



Spirituality is typically defined as the search for transcendent meaning or as a belief in a greater existence outside of humankind. It can be linked to religion, but the practice of spirituality is generally considered to go beyond religion and connect individuals with something larger, such as the universe itself.

 As we know now, this is just a myth. Spirituality can be attained, when even when a person is not religious. Similarly, there are many more myths related to spirituality which need to be bust to create more awareness and have a clear propagation of spirituality.

⦁ It is related to religion.
⦁ One needs to give up earthly/materialistic desires; one needs to become a monk.
⦁ Spiritual people are always serious.
⦁ They are always calm, content and happy.
⦁ Appearance also changes; no fancy clothing for spiritual people.
⦁ They meditate all the time.
⦁ They are aloof and have no sex life.

The above-mentioned is a list of myths that very prominently exist in society regarding spirituality.

Read blog Spirituality and It’s Power

Contact us at –  +9198992 01645,  +919911401645 or visit us – to know more about the courses and workshops, and to step on the path of developing your

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Spirituality and It's Power


Spirituality and It's Power

In this hectic and busy lifestyle, we are slowly disconnecting with not only the people around us but with ourselves as well. We are invested in creating a social life for ourselves but we are losing the connection that we have with our souls. Spirituality comes into the picture when we discover our disconnect and make effort into knowing ourselves better. It is to move beyond our cognitive and emotional abilities and focus on beliefs and values. To keep in touch with our morals and how our thoughts play a role and how our values are shaped. Having a high spirituality will help us build a better connection with our inner self and motivates us to balance our work and life and help in inner growth.

In its simplest sense, spirituality is the vast concept of life beyond self, finding a connection with the universe, and finding one’s own purpose in life and discovering your inner self and understanding that every person has a unique purpose in life.  It has a link to religion but it does not always have to be about religion. An individual who is not much religious can also be spiritual. It is all about discovering oneself, one’s own concept of happiness, compassion, love, etc.

Some very simple questions that can help us explore spirituality is “what is our purpose in life?”,  and “are we really happy ?”. These are some questions which, when a person wants to explore themselves, and think and introspect upon themselves, will come across. Knowing the answers to these questions is what the spiritual quotient is in its simplest essence.

Being connected to our inner self and being in touch with our spiritual growth on an everyday basis can help us in many ways. An insight about self helps improve relations with others. Being more aware of one’s desires, responsibilities and roles, it becomes easier to distinguish our thoughts and feeling from others’  

Since spirituality has a very prominent link with our lifestyle, connecting with people, and discovering self, it automatically connects with psychology. A person’s spirituality, influence the decisions they make, and the relations they form with themselves as well as others it connects spirituality with psychology.   

Check out this video to know more about Spirituality

Various psychological issues can actually be managed with the help of spirituality such as better coping with stress. Stress is not a new concept for us, recent times have thrown many stressful situations at us and we have often struggled to find the appropriate and most suitable, healthy coping strategies. Self-understanding can help a lot in coping with stress. When we know what are our stressors and how we behave under stress, it helps us create our own healthy coping mechanisms which are exclusive to us and works efficiently into helping us cope with the situation. 

Finding a purpose in life creates a sense of peace and belongingness and increases the happiness that we feel. When we become aware of our responsibility in this world, we discover what we are meant for, it gives us the drive to move forward and a sense of satisfaction knowing that we are where we are meant to s be. 

When we find our place in this world, we become more aware of all the positivity around us and the instances, experiences, and people which facilitated our growth. We experience an immense sense of gratitude. We become thankful for all that we have and all that we have achieved and all the contributing factors to it. The heightened awareness also makes get aware and in touch with the situations and sufferings of others and makes us more inclined to show compassion & empath. The sense of gratitude also contributes to it. Awareness of our blessings makes us more aware of the crisis of others. 

Even a person who is not aware of the term spiritual quotient makes conscious or unconscious efforts to know themselves better and establish that connection with their inner self to achieve a drive and passion in their life. Every individual, searches for their place in this big world and strives to understand their role, and might often ask themselves if they are truly happy.

Knowingly or unknowingly, they take specific steps and put certain efforts that move them towards developing a higher spiritual quotient. And as long as those steps are taken, even if it is to make every day better, those small steps can lead to a bigger realization of self.

Some steps that help us in our day-to-day life:-

1. Meditation:- As cliche and as typical it sounds; meditation does help in many ways than one. Meditation is about allowing your mind to focus on one thing or nothing at all. To meditate is to connect yourself to the energy that resides within you, that you search everywhere around you. A very traditional way of doing meditation is to chant OM. People often associate the chant Om with praying to some deity. But in all honesty, Om is the sound of the universe. By chanting Om when one is meditating, it creates such vibrations in our brain which makes more neurons to be fired and activate our brain more. That increases the efficiency of our brain. Every day, for just 15 minutes either in the morning or before going to bed, meditating with the chant of Om can bring calmness and happiness.

One can meditate even without the Om chant. You can make your own meditation mantra and that can be your life moto, your favorite quote, a statement by someone close that makes you happy, it can be anything. Focus yourself on that and channelize your inner energy.

2. Practice Gratitude:- Do a small test for yourself. How many times a day do you think of your problems and how many times a day do you thank a person? Count the number of which will be more? If it is the number of times you think about your problem, then pause and think, is your life only made of problems? Are the problems being what is getting you through your day? No right? It might be your aim to reach a position, to get a new car for your dad, to buy the best birthday gift for your child, score the rank that will get you to the university, to sing that one song that you love, or to just have a cup of coffee with your partner at the end of the day. Those are what makes you go through those problems. And those are your blessings. Make a list of your blessings and put it up next to your problems. The list of your problems might look very insignificant in front of your blessings.

3. Spend time with nature:- Have you ever walked barefoot on the grass, felt the tiny grass leaves poke your feet? Have you ever danced in the rain, feeling the cold-water droplets slowly caressing your face? Have you ever just looked up at the sky and tried to make sense of the shape of the clouds? If not, then try. It will bring you down to your roots, help you connect with each and every cell in your body, if you let yourself experience it solely. Give yourself to the nature and it will set you free.

4. Introspection:- Remember those essays we wrote in school, about our best friends, our pet, our neighbor? We give you an essay to write today. Find a cozy corner in your house, your favorite place. Sit there with a warm cup of coffee/ tea and a beautiful diary. And write an essay on yourself. Initially it might sound easy, but when you actually sit to write it, do you have words for yourself? Do not close the diary because you do not have words. Write something there, your name, your likes, dislikes, draw something, scribble anything. But that is how you start to introspect yourself. That is how you know YOU.

5. Mindful Breathing:- Breathing is the easiest task that we do in our lives to a point where we don’t even notice it. Its like we take the basic thing that keeps us alive, for granted. Try this, and stop for 5 mins everyday to just acknowledge the way your body takes in breath and gives it out. Remind yourself what keeps you going. Remind yourself that you are a part of something beyond your bodily self and all these forces or energies work together to keep each of us going.

Spirituality is a journey, and at Vishwas Healing Centre, we are here to help you in this transformative journey. Experience the spirituality and healing by Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Crystals, Hypnotherapy, Future Life Progression, Life Between Life Regression, Past Life Regression, Tarot Card Reading and much more. Every modality presents you with the chance to connect with yourself and your spirituality more. A way to bring more positivity in your life.

Contact us at -  +9198992 01645,  +919911401645 or visit us - to know more about the courses and workshops, and to step on the path of developing yourself.