Friday, September 23, 2022

The Significance Of Psychosexual Disorders In Today’s Society



Mankind has apparently always felt the need to be close and to communicate with other people.

One of the ways to connect with others is to do so sexually and a close, satisfying relationship is often considered as the essential factor in adults’ health, ability to adapt, happiness and sense of meaning in life.

When we are unable to find such relationships with our partners that comprise of trust, respect, understanding and communication; all aspects of our relationship are affected- especially how we feel in the bedroom.

The common problems partners face are female sexual interest/arousal disorder, male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, erectile disorder, female orgasmic disorder and substance-/medication-induced sexual dysfunction.

Although we've become more open about sex as a concept, we've not been able to talk about all aspects of it. The mindset of people has changed to view sex more positively, but not the problems or dysfunctions individuals face around it, one of them being psychosexual disorders.

This causes them to stay silent about their problems and not seek help for it. Not only this, but there is also a sense of unacceptance from clinicians as well as diagnosed patients are not taken seriously.

This may cause them to feel more guilt, shame, and stigma regarding their problems, which are totally normal and valid.

It is an increasing and real problem of our time.

The primary cause of psycho-sexual disorders are psychological disorders or dysfunctions such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, relationship strains, history of sexual abuse and other cases of psychosis such as schizophrenia.

An unhealthy lifestyle and certain medication like anti-depressants are contributing factors as well.

With the increasing verbosity about the role of gender identity and the separation of gender and sex, young adults, adolescents and even children are facing gender dysphoria. (The DSM-5 defines gender dysphoria in adolescents and adults as a marked incongruence between one’s experienced/expressed gender and their assigned gender, lasting at least 6 months.)

This also leads to sexual dysfunctions, most of which are psychological in nature. Not being sure of one’s sexual orientation can also lead to issues. We need to keep in mind that all genders can be patients of these disorders and that even if you are in an exclusive, long-term relationship with someone, these disorders can still occur.

The typical age for the onset of sexual activity has decreased, thus making a wider age group aware and a patient of these disorders.

While reading about a case of a young adult with MDD and anxiety, I found out that due to the medication they were on, they had been unable to feel any arousal whatsoever and were unable to engage in sexually intimate acts with their partner as well. This caused a strain in their partnership as the cause of the problem went unidentified for a year or so.

Then, while they were in therapy one day, after much hesitation, they told their therapist about the loss of libido they had recently been experiencing. The therapist probed the person for more details and found that the onset of the problem had been around the same time as when they had started their medication.

The situation became crystal clear and through the correct intervention and support from their partner as well, they were able to experience libido and satisfy themselves and their partner.

Thus, we can see that these issues are more common than we think they are and have more triggers than known to the general population. Not only this,but the crippling lack of information among people also leaves them feeling confused, broken and even damaged.

Seeking correct help at the right time along with a caring and loving partner can significantly help in improving a patient’s condition.

Vishwas Healing Centre has been working with a success rate of 99%, with the aim to spread awareness about mental wellness and remove the stigmas related and the way the society views psychosexual disorders. Here, there are various healing modalities used to work on their issues, like counselling, psychotherapy, hypno counselling and more. Also working on finding the core issues, so that the person can lead a fulfilling life.

Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma uses an integrative healing approach towards mental health – Counselling and Psychotherapy with Energy Healing and towards psychosexual disorders. Not only working on the cognitive aspect but also from the energy aspect. Click here to know more -

Energy Healing - The various modalities like Reiki Healing, Lama Fera, Touch Healing, Distant Healing, Crystal Therapy. Know more about the therapies here - 

Psychotherapy - A wonderful modality to find the subconscious blocks and reasons for psychosexual disorders and release them, so that an individual can lead a peaceful and happy life. Know more about the psychotherapy here - 

The problem is as real as it is valid. We, as mental health advocates should not shy away in asking our clients about their physical, mental emotional and sexual health to ensure optimum treatment and recovery.

In a country like ours where we are still shy about these topics, it is the silence that enables most suffering. Breaking the stigma and creating forums where individuals feel safe and heard is of utmost importance.

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Energy Healing and A Good Mentor


Energy Healing and A Good Mentor

Once you decide to choose energy healing, the first and foremost question that comes to mind is – Now what? Where do I go? And most importantly - Who do I go to learn and practice healing? How do I identify the perfect person to learn from? And Why is it important for you to have a good master for your journey in energy healing?

First, it’s quite crucial to understand that energy healing journey is very personal, so the decision to choose a person to guide you through this is also very crucial.

Beyond that, it’s also important to understand the energies of the person who is teaching you, who is guiding you, their vibrations, their Soul Level, their experience, their qualifications.

Because healing also requires releasing our own blockages, the suppressed emotions, or the feelings, it’s important to choose a person who can understand. And not only that, a person who can help you out in the aligning and balancing of energies.

Learning Reiki –

The first thing that when we learn to heal is - healing starts from one’s own self. Only a person who himself is balanced can provide healing for others. And it's the same thing with choosing a Master. A healer who is well aligned with himself and well aligned with the universe can be the Master, and show the way of healing to his disciples.

It’s necessary to remember you will be first working on healing yourself.

And this is what First Level is about – Self healing.

Once the mentor is convinced that you understand that fully along with the five wonderful principles of Reiki, only then you are ready for the next step –“Attunement”.

The question you might have - “I have seen so many people providing attunements to be a Reiki Practitioner. Is that all that is required?”

The Process of Attunement -

To be a Reiki practitioner, a person must go through a process known as Attunement in which the master connects you with that universal force. Dr Pooja completed her Reiki Grandmaster Level when she was just 18 years, and had mentored and Attuned many students in their energy therapy and being with them through their journey too. As the Attunement from Grandmaster with High Soul Level is a major step to be a Reiki practitioner. But we need to remember that learning Reiki is not just about attunement. The before and the after support and guidance is equally crucial, where you deal with so many changes within yourself.

While learning Reiki, you are getting used to energies. During this transformative phase, it’s important that you understand that energies are also healing you.

And how to handle those energies? How to get used to them? How to use the energies in the most efficient way for yourself and to heal others? All of this is what a good master, a good mentor can teach you. Dr. Pooja with her experience of more than 20 years, definitely makes her an expert and the right person to learn the energy healing from. Her positive attitude and practical approach makes the learning process a life transformative experience.

- A good master is someone who is empathetic

-Aligned with universal wisdom.

-Have a sense of balance and serendipity

-Have an inclination towards spiritual growth.

- They are grounded and deeply connected with nature.

Soul Quality of a Master

The most important quality of a Master is his/her soul quality. A master is someone whose soul level is high. This is something we get to see from there connection with energies, their alignment with the energies and nature. Not only that, their healing rituals, teaching methods and much more. Their connection with earth helps them to heal not only themselves but the people around them. Their practices also work on healing the earth too.

All of this does not happen in one day, it takes years of practice and dedication towards healing and energy therapies.

From the first interaction with Dr. Pooja, every student can easily attest to this. Her way of connecting you with the healing energies, encouraging that connection, the way of guiding is something only a Healer with the High Soul Level and much experience can do.

All her hardwork and dedication of many years can be seen with the way she works on guiding her mentees. Guiding them through their weakness, working on their strength and especially her background in psychology and healing are some of the many many reasons that makes her the perfect Mentor.

A mentor plays a huge role in forming your orientation and approach towards healing and this is true for every energy healing modality.

Remember, a good mentor can make all the difference in this process.

Initiate your Healing journey with Grandmaster Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma and step on the path of transformation through Energy Healing Therapies.

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Crystal Healing Wands

Wands are the traditional healing tools of shamans, healers, and metaphysicians. The magic wands of myth and legend are believed to have been used by the highly evolved crystal healer of Atlantis. Many practitioners today believe that wands from those far-off times are surfacing once again, complete with their powerful programming.

Wands have the ability to focus energy through their tip.

The healing ability of wands is vastly expanded when programmed with intent when using. It is important to consciously allow universal healing energy to flow through your crown chakra, down your arm, and to the hand holding the wand, and then into the wand where it is amplified and passed into the patient.
Using your own energy for this purpose is shortsighted and inefficient, as you will become weak and depleted and need healing yourself.

Quartz Healing Wand - It strongly amplifies energy and focuses it where it is needed, or draws it off and dissipates it as appropriate. Quartz can be used to reach the underlying cause of disease and transform it. It points to and then treats areas of blockage or weakness in the physical body or the aura.

Tourmaline Healing Wand - Natural tourmaline wands are useful healing tools. They clear the aura, remove blockages, disperse negative energy, and point to solutions for specific problems. They are excellent for balancing and connecting the chakras. At a physical level, they rebalance the energy meridians.

Vogel Healing Wand - Vogel wand has a very precise vibratory signature. The power and properties of the Vogel wand vary with the number of faces. The shorter, “fatter” end is female and draws life force energy which is amplified as it spirals through the facets. The longer, thinner end is male and transmits energy out in a strongly focused laser-like beam. Vogel is excellent for connecting with the chakras, removing attached energy, and removing negativity. They detect and rectify energy blockages and strongly cohere the energy fields around and within the body.

Shop Seven Chakra Wand

Fluorite Healing Wand - They have a wonderful soothing energy and can be stroked over the skin to relieve pain and inflammation. Even a small wand will absorb an enormous amount of stress and, if not cleansed, may crack under the strain.

Obsidian Healing Wand - The obsidian wand protects the aura and connects to the earth, pointing the way forward, obsidian wands can also be used for diagnosis and location of blockages.

Amethyst Healing Wand - An Amethyst wand connects with the brow chakra and activates the pineal gland to stimulate intuitive vision. It will also remove blockages from the sacral chakra and from the aura. It can be used to heal a weak aura and to provide protection.

Rose Quartz Healing Wand - It is excellent for calming emotional distress and for healing a broken heart, but it works equally well for any state of agitation or anxiety.

Smoky Quartz Healing Wand - Smoky quartz is an excellent crystal for grounding negative energy and providing protection.

Selenite Healing Wand - Selenite wands have a very pure vibration. They can be used to detach entities from the aura or to prevent anything external from influencing the mind.

These energized healing wands help the healers in their healing and also help in connecting with their higher self. It harmonizes and balances our chakras, aligning our subtle bodies.
It cleanses and protects our aura from negativity. Pick your power healing wand to increase your energies.

To Order crystal healing wands or exclusive crystals Call/WhatsApp at 9899201645, 9911401645, 8368488750 or visit: