Thursday, December 30, 2021

Reflections 2021


reflections 2021

Today is December 30, 2021. And just after one day, we will be welcoming a new year. Hoping that it will bring a better time, a better phase to us.

2021 taught us a lot of things. At the top of that list was dealing with mental stress. Whether that stress was about your job and finances or your health or your relationships. This year we worked not only on our physical health but mental health as well. We learned the necessity of balance. Balance in our health and work. Balance in our relationships.

It showed a different side to us.  It showed that we need to look inwards as well. We need to build connection with ourselves as well. People went through highs and lows and came out of the difficult times with more strength than before. But yes, we made some mistakes as well. Some mistakes were made by other people too. And that’s okay. With the end of this year, let’s forgive. Let’s forgive others for their slipups. And above all, let’s forgive ourselves for our missteps. It’s time to change the perspective from “a mistake” to “a learning opportunity”. Let's reflect and review. Let's learn from this year and be a better version of ourselves in the coming year.

With open arms let’s welcome the beautiful 2022. Let’s enter this year with new outlook and positive perspectives. Let’s leave those old patterns behind.  Let’s enter this year with new positive energies and intentions. And let’s welcome all the opportunities that this year will bring.

A very Happy New Year to you. :)

May this year bring you a lot of reasons for celebrations and joy!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Parents And Teenagers


parenting teenagers

Kahani Ghar Ghar ki (Story of every home)

This is the story of every teenager at home. And this particular story revolves around a girl named Ritika. And something that happens during Valentine's week.

Ritika was engrossed in her favourite Netflix series, when her mother asked her for her lunch box. After calling Ritika a number of times, her mother decided to search through her bag to get her lunch box. While searching she finds a small lovely teddy bear and a big bright and beautiful valentine’s day card, with some handwritten messages written on it.

Ritika?!” Mom said.

Yes?” replies Ritika distractedly

Where did you get this teddy bear from?!” Mom exclaims.

Assuming her mom is talking about the toy she got from the market a few days ago. Ritika says “I got it two days back from that shopkeeper. And guess what mom, I got an amazing discount!”

Shopkeeper?!” her mom says with a straight face.

Yes, nice guy really, very sweet!” says Ritika.

Ah, I see. How long has this been going on?” Mom.

I told you - two days back, you are not paying attention mom!I

I see. You got this card from him too? Messages also, he wrote it for free, it seems?!”

Ritika: Card…?

She then remembers that her school bag had some gifts and cards that her friend had kept there for Valentine’s Day, to give to someone special.

Ritika tries to explain to her mom but she is not ready to listen, instead scolds Ritika a lot. In the evening when her dad came from the office, the scolding continued. Ritika, later spends the whole evening feeling scared and stressed, unable to concentrate on her studies or prepare for the test that was supposed to happen the next day. She failed the test and her parents even blamed her for that too. This is the outcome in every home where parents and children don't seem to be on the same wavelength, where they don’t communicate effectively.

Today’s generation has different requirements and needs which the parents need to understand, and need to see the situations from their children’s perspective. And here we will be discussing some points we need to remember at this juncture.

1. Communication is the bottom-line of a child and parent relationship, the way of communication is built by the parents from the beginning, what kind of environment they provide a child with and whether or not the child can feel secure in the relationship is dependent on how parents communicate. A parent should always provide a healthy environment with the right amount of care to let their child grow in a balanced way.

2. Authoritative Parenting is one of the best forms of parenting, it is the combination of allows a child to become confident, disciplined, self-reliant and well behaved. The child will be able to know what is good for him and what is not. He or she will be able to make his or her own decisions rather than relying on their parents or friends for assistance.

Teenagers with this sort of parenting experience less anxiety and depression.

Watch video Depression And Treatment

Read Blog 6 steps to overcome anxiety

3. Parents should be the one to initiate and let their child feel free and secure to open up about their sexual relationship, and also provide them with the correct sex education.

Parents should make them feel comfortable talking about the changes the teenagers may experience as a result of puberty. They should speak openly about issues like menstruation, not just to girls but also to boys. Seeing their parents communicate to them in this manner will make them feel safe and encourage them to open up to them about their own problems.

4. Confidence Building - During the teenage years, a child will always want to walk on a new road to find his/her own identity which may include new friendships and a lot of new experiences that they are not yet familiar with. The role of parents here is to build confidence.

Another issue that may arise due to low confidence is Peer Pressure. Peer pressure occurs when you choose to do something you don't want to do in order to fit in with society or your peers. As a result, many children develop drug addictions, smoking, consume alcohol, or engage in sexual behaviors. In such instances, a child's parents should be the first one they turn to for assistance. A parent should listen to their child without judging them and keep the lines of communication open. They should also propose strategies for them to deal with their peers by establishing or increasing their confidence.

Children go through a lot of changes during their teenage years, and if communication is not maintained in a healthy way, the relationship is bound to have ups and downs, teenagers need a lot of care and support from their parents, as well as a safe space where they can feel secure enough to express themselves.

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Connecting With Nature


connecting with nature

Every morning when we wake up, usually, we all have a set routine for the day. “Time for office” “time for school/college” and so on. And it’s possible that morning walk we planned for today will be shifted to tomorrow.

And we again lose the chance to connect with nature. But why do we need that connection?

We are aware about the benefits our physical body gets, but what about our mental and emotional health? How does spending time in nature helps us in that regard?

Nature rejuvenates you, energizes you, calms you and heals you. Nature heals us without any side effects, affecting our mood, emotions and thoughts. Our emotions and mental well-being depends upon the release of hormones in our body. And regulating these hormones can be done by spending time in nature.

 One of the main hormone which corresponds to mental health is Cortisol. It is the stress inducing hormone in our body. According to the various researches conducted, we find that spending only 20 minutes in nature can reduce your cortisol level at a great rate. High cortisol levels can also lead to depression. It is also found that people with OCD, bipolar, PTSD, anxiety also has higher level of cortisol.

Solution? Get active! Go out in parks, enjoy the picnics, start exercising outside.

 Another reason for depression can be not getting enough sunlight.

Watch video Depression And Treatment

Yep! You heard it right!  Proper exposure to sun is essential for us. As stated in WebMD, vitamin D deficiency leads to “medical and psychosocial issues”. Our immune system, heart, brain have vitamin D receptors. The body transports the vitamin to the kidneys and liver, which is then converted into active hormone and then   assisting the body in absorbing calcium. Also, staying in natural light regularizes your sleep schedule. (we know how many of us are guilty of not having proper sleep!)

It’s nurturing properties, it’s healing vibrations can prove to be great help to everyone. It’s time to take few minutes out of your busy schedule to connect with nature, let it heal you and let yourself rejoice in the positivity that it provides.

Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems, says -  though the nature is filled with positive energy throughout the day, it’s the early morning when the environment is nourished with Prana” and energy. So, let’s go for that morning walk!

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645

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Thursday, December 9, 2021

Depression, Chakras And Healing Things we need to know


Depression, Chakras and Healing – Things we need to know!

According to WebMd, depression is a mood disorder that makes you feel constant sadness or lack of interest in life.” From energy healing perspective, depression is a blockage in the chakras. Chakras are the energy centers in our bodies. The chakras associated with depression are – The Heart Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra. The Heart Chakra “Anahata” corresponds to the center of love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. Mainly it’s the emotional center. The Third Eye chakra “Ajna”, located between the brows, is about the clarity in thoughts, spiritual contemplation and self-reflection.

healing crystal
So what’s the solution?

1. Crystals – Crystals play an important part in healing your chakras. For depression, the crystals suggested are – Rose Quartz (encourages self-love and self-care), Clear Quartz (provides peace and calmness), Citrine (cleanse and grounds negativity and positive vibes), Smoky Quartz (releases stress). Only use crystals which align with your energy.

Shop Energized & Attuned Crystals

Join Crystal Energy Workshop

energy healing therapy
2. Energy Healing Therapies provides the way to cleanse, unblock, heal and align your chakras. For a person going through depression, it’s essential to cleanse the chakras. Working with universal energy, a healer works towards the proper alignment of chakras. Bringing a transformation in the person’s life. It’s a spiritual therapy with no side effects.

Some more benefits of healing

1. Relieves emotional stress

2. Induces deep relaxation

3. Breaks the energy blocks

4. Promotes harmony and balance

5. Improves sleep

6. Reduces Stress

And many more. It provides way to heal your mind, body and emotions. For the people who are taking other treatments, energy healing fastens your healing process and enhances the recovery.

It’s important to remember, for crystals or for any kind of energy healing it’s essential to choose your master carefully. Know who your healer is, ask questions. Experience and education both are important along with the soul quality he or she possess.

Energy healing or crystals are a part of nature, they will work towards our betterment. It is also essential to be receptive to that positivity that the nature bestows upon us. 

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

Sunday, December 5, 2021

A message for those who support and care for the people with mental illness part 2

A message for those who support and care for the people with mental illness part 2

Loving a person is tough, but loving a person who suffers with mental disorder needs a strength only few possess.

It requires a sacrifice of not only of your time, but to some extent your own dreams and desires.

Each and every day, your decisions are measured by how the other person will react, people tend to put themselves and their wants at second. And when still that reaction comes despite your efforts, you tell yourself that ‘it’s okay’. Providing that person an acceptance which in this world many people won’t. This is a situation where no one is wrong and still, people suffer.

Here comes the part that can make the whole process easier, when the person suffering works on himself, takes his medication on time, follows the guidelines provided to him by the professionals, attending his therapy sessions on time, keeping in mind that he is not only doing this to get better, but also for the people who have been there for him.

If you live with someone with mental disorder, it is essential that you too have some support and help. So what you can do for YOURSELF?

1.  Practice healing - While learning Reiki, this was one of the basic that I learned, that before providing healing the other person, it is essential to protect ourselves and we, too, are in good health to provide the best care for the other person.

2. Hypnosis - (please understand, here I am NOT talking about those funny entertaining acts that we see on stages!) I am talking about hypnotherapy as a healing tool for yourself. Self-hypnosis can be great way to relax and recharge yourself.

3. Talk to a therapist.

4. Join support groups, talk to people about what YOU are going through, understand that dealing with people can be tiring and stressful.

Make your mental health a priority as well!

“Self-love is understanding and accepting one’s own strengths with grace and being humble. It’s understanding one’s weakness with courage and love.” – Dr. Pooja

In conclusion, I would just like to remind you, we are here not only for the person who is suffering from the mental disorders, but also for the people who stand by them, in thick and thin. Supporting them and just being there for them despite all the difficulties that they face.

Read Blog A message for those who support and care for the people with mental illness part 1

 Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

Thursday, December 2, 2021

A message for those who support and care for the people with mental illness


Dr Pooja said – “Society strives towards balance. You can’t be sensitive to one section of society and insensitive towards the other.”
And it’s, indeed, high time to support those who has done the supporting till now.

We know about how a person going through like OCD, depression, schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders suffers. But there is another person who suffers along with him.  That person can be the spouse, the child or the parent, and for them maintaining that relationship becomes quite difficult.  Along with everyday stress, whether it’s work, career, etc. the person also feels the burden of the relationship.

And today, we are going to talk about that person.

Every relationship works on give and take and it’s not one person’s responsibility to carry the relationship forward. We need every day efforts to maintain the relationship.

Sometimes the above mentioned conditions make the work much harder, putting the person under tremendous stress and tension. And how is that person who is taking care and responsibility of the person who is suffering from mental illness is affected?

1. Low confidence and self – esteem – When the effort you make doesn’t make them happy, or when, despite your efforts, you can’t cheer them up, it’s important to remember it is not your fault. Usually the person takes the role of “caretaker” and thus, tend to feel that they should be able to “fix” this issue.  

2. Stress/ Anxiety – it is not unusual to feel sad or lonely when you are living a person who is suffering from the mental illness and lost in their own world. People, when they don’t take care of their own health, tend to develop stress and anxiety due the uncertainty of the behavior of the person they are living with.

3. Compromising their own social life – All the social events that you cancel because you know at that time THEY need you more. All the people you cut off from your life because they couldn’t deal with them……. compromising your relations with people. Not giving yourself the time to socialize. We, humans, are social animals and this IS our basic need, ignoring this will isolate you from your support circle when you really need it when dealing with stressful situation at home.

4. Disruption in one’s own schedule – Many times you put the other person before yourself as and when needed, putting your work aside to give them the time and attention that they need.

5. Feeling of guilt – Triggering a person unknowingly at home or even sometimes making time for yourself can make a person feel guilty.

6. Suppressing emotions – is it really possible to be completely happy when you know the person beside you is not well? Is it possible to be completely sad when you feel that there is other person you need to take care of before yourself?

Such situations cause suppression of emotions, where you don’t show or feel that you can’t express your emotions, feelings completely. And thus damaging your own mental health.

7. Safety and security concerns – “Patients diagnosed with schizophrenia are four to six times more likely to commit a violent crime than the general population.” (International Journal of Clinical Neurosciences and Mental Health, 2015).

Modern Tool To Manage Stress And Anxiety

In extreme cases, people living with someone who suffers through psychotic disorders are also in danger of the person being violent and abuse. Every day people feel unsafe in their own homes and with their own family members.

 In such a scenario, it’s crucial to take care of your own mental health. Make yourself a priority too. Not only for yourself but for all the people who care about you, the people whose lives you touch every day.

And remember –

“There is a very special person you should think and greet every day. And that person is – You.” – Dr. Pooja

P.s. – This post is inspired by the stories shared with Dr. Pooja by the family members of the people who are going through OCD, depression, schizophrenia and more. We thank them for coming forward and sharing their stories and becoming an inspiration for each and every one of us.

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Motivating And Enhancing Productivity And Creating A Cohesive Workplace

 Motivating students to give their best & dealing with individual differences among students.


corporate training

There is always room for improvement in your academics & overall growth & development of students, but as mentors be careful not to start thinking that your students are a complete failure just because they are not a complete success in all the ways you hoped to be. Your students can win sometime; they can lose sometime. That’s life. The point here is, when they find themselves terrified in the face of a serious challenge, they  need to stop and reframe the situation in their subconscious mind.

Setbacks and unforeseen circumstances, especially in your student's life, can always be on the cards. But as mentors we can definitely help them become a go-getter in life. The point here is, our mentoring  approach makes students plan ahead for possibilities. It may draw up a flexible plan of action that allows them to adapt to the changing conditions and circumstances that life will possibly throw at their way.

As mentors we need to make them equipped to live their life on their own terms, help them believe they are in full control of their own destiny — making the most of every situation they find themselves in.

And this is possible if we are able to enhance their skills. By developing skills students can become “self-regulated learners”.

Self-regulated learners basically are those students who have learned how to set learning goals, ask good questions, self-interrogate as they learn, generate motivation and perseverance, try out different learning processes, self-monitor the effectiveness of their learning, reflect on achievement, and make changes to their learning processes where necessary.

The term “skill” is therefore used in a broad sense that is to enhance their cognitive, metacognitive and affective skills.



Cognitive skills include all the information-processing and thinking skills, often called “study

skills” in an academic environment.


Affective skills are the skills of behaviour and emotional management that is helping them develop resilience, perseverance and self-motivation, which often have a large role to play in educational achievement.


Metacognitive skills are the skills that students can use to monitor the

effectiveness of their learning skills and processes, to better understand and evaluate their learning.


As psychologists, we believe that Skills are highly teachable.


And another most important skill is the art of communication.


Let's talk about strategies to develop communication skills.


art of communication

There are some simple tips for encouraging good communication in the classroom:


● Model a good conversation, particularly with students who struggle conversationally.


● Challenge put-downs or hurtful comments.


● Put thinking ahead of knowing


● Ask open-ended questions.


● Have informal conversations.


And last but not the least for dealing with individual differences among students. We need to incorporate Mindfulness. Indeed, Psychological techniques, such as mindfulness, focus on the practice of mental relaxation, and in an educational context there is evidence that mindfulness training can lead to improvements in the functioning of the brain with improvements being reported in reading comprehension and working memory capacity.

 Mindfulness and Dream Analysis (Advanced Course)

Mindfulness means simply becoming more aware of your own perceptions as they happen, and in your thinking as it occurs. Helping students learn how to “stay in the moment” can help them to overcome distractions, increase attention and improve concentration and their interpersonal interactions among the peers will have deep bonding's & will be able to nurture their relationships in a better way.

Mindfulness can actually bring more emotional stability. Emotional stability & the ability to keep a cool mind is an enormous asset when it comes to dealing with challenging life situations in students' lives. The point here is , the way a student perceives a situation has a tremendous power to either help or harm them. At the end of the day, you need to understand that the things we perceive as obstacles are actually opportunities to do something. So the next time when your students face an issue or a challenge or a problem, don't make them feel 'I have no choice & this is the only thing I can do", instead may them say & believe; "I am very creative, I have a plan A, plan B & plan C." And this becomes effectively possible as mentors we help them inculcate mindfulness in their lifestyle.


Let me conclude, great humans are ordinary people with extraordinary determination. All the best.

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

World Heart Day

world heart day

We have always been drawing hearts to symbolize our emotions, ever thought why?

Though, emotions are regulated neurologically through our brains but it eventually affects our heart the most. It actually works like a chain reaction.                     

 We feel angry, anxious, tense, frustrated, frightened, or depressed, or similar.

The body releases stress hormones as a natural response/coping mechanism. (These hormones include cortisol and adrenaline. They prepare your body to deal with stress).


1.  the heart starts to beat more rapidly

2.  The blood vessels shrink to help push blood to the center of the body.

3.  This eventually increases the blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Leaving us with a sensation of fight or flight causing a negative chain reaction.


crystal therapy

Crystal therapy: 

Rose quartz a.k.a. ‘love crystal’ is a powerful crystal that can help regulate your emotions and bring love & joy in your lives, making you heart happier and healthier. You can use this crystal in combination with other crystals to enhance and amplify the positive effects. Such as, clear quartz helps you get rid of any ailments and blockages in varied body organs. Similarly, you can use other combinations too.



A deep breath full of heartfelt fragrances can directly make you and your heart feel calmer and happier. Fragrances are person-specific, so it will be great to know your favorite fragrances and meditating on it for a while. Use scented candles, diffusers, incense sticks, etc.. to create that aromatic atmosphere around yourself and you will actually feel your blood vessels opening up, your muscles experiencing a sudden relief and a slowly and joyfully beating heart.



Psychotherapies again are person-specific yet few of these are generally beneficial to learn as life skills. For instance, ‘Emotional Decoding’. Now, we have learned that emotions directly affect our heart the most, it is essential to learn to decode our embedded emotions to channelize life in a much more meaningful and productive way. When you conquer your emotions, immediately it increases your EQ (emotional quotient) and makes your life manageable and merrier.

healthy diet

Physical fitness and balanced diet: 

Be it yoga, aerobics, Pilates, running, sports, or just a morning walk, do something for yourself and your overall body every day. It digests the unhealthy saturated fats from your body and prevents and coagulation in the blood vessels, helping the heart function smoother and longer. At the same time, understand the philosophy of ‘your body is what you eat, this will simply help you design a healthy meal chart for your heart.

healing therapy

Healing Therapies: 

A new emotion of ‘unexplained sadness’ finds help in healing. There is a lot we go through on daily basis, and sometimes we feel heaviness around the neck and chest area for no reason. One might feel sad but have no clue about the underlying cause. This is usually a time, when you do not find connection with the people around or even with yourselves on the very first note. Opening up your energy channels (heart chakra specifically) with the help of healing can bring you the calm you have been waiting for.

health check up

Regular health check-ups: 

Truly, an early diagnose is one of the blessings for any ill person. Once in two years is the suggested period for a heart check-up. We schedule so many important things on regular basis and yet we neglect the most essential thing of our life- ‘health’. Health is the ultimate wealth. It is hence wiser of you to go for regular heart check-ups. After all, prevention is better than cure and it is only possible when you arrest the lethal diseases at the budding stage.

Feel free to reach us at +919899201645, +919911401645

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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Detox Remedies For Happy Homes


detox remedies for happy homes

I went to this new restaurant on the city’s outskirts and I instantly connected with the place. All I know is I loved the VIBESSSS!!!!!! Ever wondered, what kind of a ‘VIBESSS’ does your home produce to outsiders and most importantly –to YOU? Energy (a.k.a. vibes) is something what you intuitively feel about a place- whether you like the place or you unlike the place, do you feel comfortable or uneasy, do you feel welcomed or differently? The energy that you feel directly affects your health, mood, productivity, expression and the overall aspects of your life.

Similarly, every place has its own vibes, so does a home. The relief and happiness that you feel when you come back home after a long tiring day is a simple example that the home has positive energy. Other days could be very casual and just do not feel welcomed in your own space. Suddenly, the appliances stop working one after another. Home energies have a direct correlation with the residents and it is evidently reflected in the relationships of the members living in the house. It can be healthy and harmonious or it can be really toxic and disturbing. Hence, it becomes essential to keep a check on home energies and regulate it accordingly at the right time.    

There are certain ways which you can inculcate in your daily life to express your love to your home regulate the home energies. These are very helpful and fuss-free therapies. The best part is you will immediately experience a shift in the energy around the home, once you start to do these.

Following are some of these home-detox remedies.


Energies have a tendency to accumulate in closed spaces. It even starts to get rot on longer accumulation. This is one of the reasons you feel bad and spooky energies in long closed spaces. Opening up the windows and doors is the first thing you should do in the morning. Let sunlight and air penetrate into your home, especially the bedrooms, kitchen and living area. It let the foul energies to disperse and bring in the positive vibrations. Also, it cleanses the air and kills the harmful microbes in the rooms, making it one of the home-hygiene essential.



A bedroom is not just a place to sleep, the environment of the bedroom reflects itself in your life in multiple ways. Hence, it is advised not to keep broken things in your room. avoid installing TV or mirrors in the sleeping area, you can a separate dressing area attached but it shouldn’t be a part of the bedroom. Try to maintain the items in pairs, especially if it is a master bedroom. you will experience a positive shift in the relationship of the couple. Never sleep with you head in the north direction.


Make schedules to declutter and repair your home on weekly, monthly and yearly basis to stay away from negative energies. Not only it will help you get rid of the waste but you may not need extra minutes to find things. When you declutter the home, simultaneously you develop a habit to organize the place. It increases your creativity, efficiency of work and saves a lot of time. Throw away any broken glasses, piece of furniture, clean wardrobes, repair electronics, fix any water leakages or damaged walls, fix squeaking doors and windows, clear trashes and donate old stuff. You must be wondering, we all do such work once a year during festival times and indeed we attract a lot of positivity. Now imagine what miraculous changes it can bring if you do it on monthly basis?


Aroma candles, aroma diffusers, essential oil burners and herbal incense sticks help to clear the negative vibes from the home as well the member living. fragrances/aroma help calm the negative thoughts immediately. This home detox remedy has magnifying results when done during sunrise and sunset. place these aroma inducers in the center of the home or in the bedroom to uplift the positive energies and protective vibes around the home. Its effect retains by the night and helps promote a sound sleep. fragrances are place-specific too. Gift your home some love of woodsy and floral fragrances.    



crystal therapy
Crystals have their own energies and should be chosen with the help of experts to impart right energies in the home or it may go wrong otherwise. However, there are certain crystals which are universal healers and always induce positivity in the home. For instance, a big ball of clear quartz (a.k.a. master healing crystal), an amethyst geode or clusters; these can be placed in the drawing room or even more beneficial if placed in the center of the house. If there is an extremely foul or bad vibes revolving around your house, the crystals can also act as indicators for you. The crystals may suddenly become foggy or cloudy, they may appear greyish or smoky, this is due to the healing properties of the crystals which make them absorb the bad vibes from your surroundings.


All the therapies mentioned above are highly efficient at detoxifying the home and attract positive vibes. Vishwas Healing Centre holds a 3-days workshop which includes more than 25 remedies to make your home a happier place to live. These therapies are basic and easy-to-do; as well as it is pocket-friendly and fits to everyone’s budget. These are all proven remedies. With more than 20 years of experience Dr. Pooja Anand Sharma, gives your home protection personally throughout the workshop. All the other healers along with her, provide your home a 24X7 protection. Dr. Pooja always aims to empower the lives with her knowledge and healing abilities; in correspondence to this ideation, she has beautiful compiled a huge range of home detox remedies. She customized these therapies thoughtfully for the sake of wellness and joy of as many lives as possible.

home sweet home

Remember, It is all about the vibe's that matters. When you love your home, give it the right care with help of right professionals. let us help you show that love to your home, because it is not just a saying we wish to make ‘HOME SWEET HOME’ real for you.

Fell Free To Reach Us At +919899201645

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