Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Reasons And Steps To Overcome Overthinking That Leads To Depression

Today we are continuing our discussion about the overthinking. Like excess of everything is harmful same is with thinking, excess becomes overthinking that hinder our routine and actions.
In the last video we had already discussed the difference between thinking and overthinkingreasons, and how to overcome overthinking. Watch full video: https://youtu.be/nnlS894yxCw
In this topic, we would be taking the topic in detail. As I previously discussed the steps to overcome overthinking having the first step to identify the responses of the body, the second is identifying the thoughts; whether it is hooked in the past or in the future. So we are discussing the scenario when the thoughts are hooked to the past. When the thoughts are hooked in the past generally why we are overthinking is because we have non acceptance of the past. Whatever has happened we have not made a closure or we have not come in harmony with the past. We’re not accepting what has happened. Simply this. Because somewhere we feel we could have done better while it was happening. This lead to us not being in harmony with the past and so with the people, so with the situations and sometimes we are not in harmony with ourselves also. And that makes the situation more fearful and we have more insecurities; why, because as I always say that Fear can be really healed with Faith but if Faith is not there it increases the Fear and insecurities and leads to further disharmony.
So when our thoughts are hooked to the past it is generally because we have non-acceptance of the past. So what emotions does it generates? So the second thing is to identify the emotions this is generating in us.
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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Detox Energy At Homes Balance 5 Elements

Balance the five elements of house, clears all the stale and negative energies and fills it with positive energies that leads of happiness, prosperity, health, peace and harmony. The Five Elements are: Earth, Air (Wind), Water, Fire, and Space (Ether). This Ritual is to balance the environment by Healing and Happiness.
So, let’s start balancing!
These are some of the steps that can be easily done:
  1. Place a square table at the center place of the house (not necessarily the absolute center)
  2. Put a clean white square cloth over this table.
  3. Take a crystal / glass plate and put a mixture of salt and camphor (kapur) in it. Lit a tealight candle in the center of this glass plate over salt + camphor.
  4. Now place the following items in the specified direction around this plate: North of table à Salt water in glass bowl. South of table à Aroma candle East of table à Earthen or ceramic pot filled with rice for abundance West of table à Incense stick and some metal object
  5. Take some Clear QuartzAmethystSelenite, and Black Tourmaline crystals and place them around the salt + camphor glass plate kept in the centre. Place the crystals in sequence (which will be shown in the video). If you do not have these crystals then you can as well place silver coins around it.
  6. Play “OM” or “Gaytri Mantra” through the night.

  7. The clean crystals which you have to place around the salt + camphor glass plate are:
    Selenite is an Angelic Crystal. Angelic Crystal is used for protection and is placed wherever there is a dark force energy and black magic. It protects from negative energy and is a very powerful Angelic Crystal that works on Angelic realm and connects to the higher guidance.
    Citrine helps to clean the whole area, it absorbs all negativity and help in cleaning. Citrine is a powerful crystal when kept with other crystals it cleans the other crystals also. It doesn’t require cleaning itself (it is a self-cleaning crystal). It is recommended to keep Citrine in water that helps to make the crystals happy.
    Amethyst helps for clarity of mind, promotes sleep, clears your mind with all the confusions, it’s a very powerful stone that helps on the mental level.
    Black Tourmaline is a very powerful stone that helps to eliminate any electromagnetic field or repel it away. It helps to ground energies immediately. And protect you from all negative energies.