Tuesday, April 28, 2020

6 steps to overcome anxiety

Hello Everyone

Today we will talk touch upon an important topic where people start labeling / identifying themselves under that conditional without actually being in that state.

We will talk about Anxiety today.

As we know that Corona / Covid-19 has spread very quickly across the world. Though it is better managed and controlled in India, but this entire situation has affected the mental state of people.

The state of mind is not that relaxed, they are scared and in a fearful state and overthinking and that is further leading to Anxiety.

We have to discuss what is Anxiety.

What is it?

Anxiety; if we describe in simple words (not from Psychological point of view) – Anxiety is uneasiness of mind that creates a restless condition in you.

Uneasiness of mind can of many kinds.

We must understand why we experience uneasiness of mind. What are the factors that causes uneasiness of mind?

There are 2 major reasons:

First is when do a negative self-talk.

Whatever we say to our self are negative sentences.
Remember, as what we eat is for the well-being of our body; similarly, what we think – our thoughts and inner self talks are for the well-being of our mind.
We need to understand that as we are always conscious about our diet; whether the food we are eating suits us or not, if I’m allergic to the given food or not, we tend to mostly choose healthy food. Similar awareness is needed for thoughts, we must be aware about what thoughts we can give to our mind; thoughts are food for mind. We need to understand and realize if we are giving positive thoughts or negative thoughts to the mind.
If we are continuously engaged in negative self-talks then it adversely affects our mental health.

Second is overthinking.

Whenever we indulge in thinking about anything repeatedly and consistently – and if this leads to overthinking then you can as well experience bodily symptoms like increased heart rate, sweating, breathlessness, heaviness in chest. All these symptoms suggest Anxiety. Usually it is not a single symptom but its combination of symptoms and factors; both emotional and bodily. And we are going to discuss some of these symptoms today.

As in a scenario where someone when gets into a very micro analysis of even a very wonderful thing can find a lot of faults and the focus rather shifts from appreciation of the art towards the flaw which otherwise are not relevant; similarly when one gets into overthinking he / her can find issues with a person, situation or even self. Overthinking always leads to negative thinking followed by negative state of mind and body.

Symptoms of Anxiety:
Increased heart rate
Sweating on palms and body
Not able to focus and concentrate. Some people even experience situations where they don’t even realize if someone is talking or calling them.
During Anxiety along with other symptoms some people experience irritability, dizziness, fatigue and even choking / heaviness on chest.
Feel like leave and run away from that very moment and situation
Lack of sleep or in extreme situations even insomnia
Low appetite
During Anxious state we usually experience a combination of these symptoms.

Now we know the symptoms usually experienced during the Anxiety / Anxious state

Now I’ll be discussing 6 very simple steps that we can follow to lower the Anxiety in few seconds
It is very important to follow these step by step
Be aware of the body responses. Remember the body responds and shows some of the mentioned symptoms whenever you experience Anxiety. Just be aware and catch these symptoms when given by your body.

Leave the space. If you are sitting on a chair, then change the position or sit on another chair. If you in a room, then go to another room. It is very important to change the space. Move from that area. That is step 2 which is very important. Leaving the space immediately.
The third is go in the Kitchen, take a glass of water and sip the water. Sipping the water is important here. We don’t have to gulp the water we have to SIP the water. So, sip the water, have one glass of water and after that move out to an open space that is step 4.
Moving out in an open space where you can experience, you can feel the open air, light, nature and plants. And I’ll say if you have plants and greenery around then sit there for some time and do the step 5.

The step 5 is very important again. Step 5 is remembering 5 happy memories of your life. Just think 5 happy memories of your life and that person who has contributed to those happy memories without whom these memories wouldn’t have completed. And thank those people.

The 6th step which is again very important when after counting on your happy memories and thanking the person who has contributed to the happy memories the step 6 is hugging yourself. Give yourself a hug. Hold yourself and give yourself a hug.

And say thrice that “I’m Enough”, “I’m Enough”, “I’m Enough”.

As I’ve already told you in my last video this is a very beautiful way of reassuring and creating a sense of security. This will immediately lower down the anxious state you are having and when you go back home hug your friends, hug your mother, hug your parents, hug your kids, loved ones I mean that will further lead to reassurance and validation and lower down the Anxiety immediately. Talk to them. Try to talk to them about how you are feeling.

And still friends if you feel that I’m doing this, and Anxiety is somewhere it helps me at that point and I permanently want a solution, then take a professional help. They will help you deal with your belief system and they help through various techniques. There are many tools to overcome anxiety so the professional will teach you those tools and will help you to deal with Anxiety permanently.
So, I hope these 6 very simple steps helps you to overcome Anxiety.

You can share this with your friends and family members who are feeling at this point when people are scared and very fearful. These are 6 very simple steps that will help them.
Share that with your friends and relatives.

So, I’ll come again with another video about “Overthinking”. Till then “Stay Home Stay Safe”. And take care.

Check out how to overcome anxiety in 6 simple steps video Easy Steps To Overcome Anxiety 

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Birthday Ideas In LockDown

Birthday Ideas for quarantine.
Make your loved one’s feel special.
Wake them up by a birthday song. Cut some colorful papers irregular and use it as confetti, shower this together on the birthday person with singing together the birthday song.
Prepare a special bed tea and surprise them with a special note with the bed tea.
Learn to make paper flower online and gift them at breakfast.
Keep playing his/her favorite songs the whole day.
Donate on the name of birthday boy or girl. Blessings of needy add auspiciousness to the occasion.
Do video conference with all family members and can play online tambola together.
Make birthday cake at home.
Write special birthday messages a night day before by each member if the family and paste them at different rooms. Let them find the complete messages for themselves.
Keep them under spotlight. I mean click the video when they are searching your hidden birthday notes.
If you don’t have balloon cut balloon shape and paste all over the house.
When connecting online with extended families and friends cut the cake together align with a heart warming game.
Each member of the family will make the birthday person remember their best moment with them. Or special moment.
Evening special snacks with special video to be watched together.
Lit candles in the evening on your balcony, together and pray for the peace in world. Pray together holding hands together and sing a song in grace of God. After the song, clap together. ALOUD.
Order some thing online to be delivered after the lock down. Jewellery, clothes or
In night wish the person, last birthday wish of the day. It has to be special, create a album of all happy memories of his/her past birthdays. And create a birthday bash video to be played as the last Happy moment of the day.
Check Birthday Ideas In LockDown video: https://youtu.be/7oEsdKwNxyA
Read related blogs visit: https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/blog/

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Healing Earth

Healing Earth Together At 7:00 PM EveryDay.
How we do it?
Healing Process
Take 2 deep breaths
Attitude of gratitude
I thanks myself for being here
I thanks Energy Healing for being here
I thanks Father Mikao Usui for being here
I thanks Archangels' Michael, Raphael and Ariel for being here
I thanks all Spiritual Guides for being here
Do self-protection. Imagine yourself in white light of god and affirm 3 times
"I'm completely safe, sealed and protected in this white light of god for 24 hours and I'm also receiving all necessary healing for my self"
Rub hands and draw all Reiki level 2 symbols
Reiki level 1 members can draw Swastik 卐 and Om ॐ
Imagine earth between your hands
If unable to imagine you may use globe as well
Imagine Earth is moving in circular motion between hands
You'll experience energy transfer from right to left and left to right
Do Om, Gayatri or Guru Mantra chanting
Visualise plant kingdom, animal kingdom, water kingdom and humans all living in harmony.
All are healing layer by layer 5 to 8 minutes of healing is good enough.
CLeaning Process
Call Violet Flame between your hands above the Earth
Visualise all the dirt, disease, economic block, stagnation, viruses, discomfort from all kingdoms going into that flame.
Remember anything that goes into Violet Flame turns into positive.
Everything that went into Violet Flame has turned positive and Earth is receiving the healing in the form of violet light over it.
Visualize flowers, animals, birds, humans, fishes all receiving Violet Flame. Everything is happy around you.
Say the affirmation
Earth is healing
Earth is healing
Earth is healing
Hold the vision
Earth is healed
Earth is healed
Earth is healed

Now let this healed earth merge into the cosmos slowly and let it vanish from your imagination.
Cut the cord thrice and wash hands.
Thanks to all angels and spiritual guides who helped you in this process.
Check Healing Earth video: https://youtu.be/_Xpdlk3gotE
Love and light.
God bless you
Read related blogs visit: https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/blog/

Clean And Energized Your Crystals In Full Moon

Put your #crystals under the running water for 10 to 15 mintues. And chant “Om“, “Gayatri Mantra“.
Wipe your crystals with clean & soft cloth and rub light oil like, baby oilolive oil.
Lit the incense stick and rotate it 11 times anti-clock wise and then rotate 11 times clock wise.
Place your crystal under light of #moon in a mandala format and burn the candle in centre of the mandala.
Let the chanting of “OM” or “Gayatri Mantra“.
Check Clean and Energized your Crystals in Full Moon video: https://youtu.be/aLAs_gk9FCA
Read related blogs visit: https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/blog/

Self Healing And Protection

A divine healing and protection process.
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Sit in Gyan Mudra. Focus on the tip of your head. You will experience divine sensations. It can be a cold sensation, warm sensation, or tickling sensations.
Just focus on it and feel / visualize a divine white mist, white light is entering from the tip of your head and spreading all over your body. This divine mist light is entering your system – all organs and glands. Balancing the hormones, cleaning and healing each tissue and cells of your body.
It is a powerful and blissful light. Feel that. This light is now radiating out from the body. Cleaning and healing your aura creating a divine shield around your body.
when you completely drenched in this white light say thrice –
I'm open to healing.
I’m receiving healing.
I’m healing.
and affirm that I am completely safe, sealed and protected in this divine mist. Which is around my body for next twenty-four hours.
I'm happy and joyful.
affirm this thrice (3 times). This is a divine healing and protection process. Practice it daily And keep yourself well-hydrated, drink a good amount of water. This creates a lot of healing within you.
Check out our self-healing and protection video: https://youtu.be/nPwXeJTWjes
Love and light.
God bless you

Read related blogs visit: https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/blog/