Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Message To Healer Community

My Dear Healers
I’m Dr Pooja Anand Sharma (Psychologist and Alternate Healing Therapist)
The Universal Energy has to be healed and positively raised. Energy therapists and healers are highly sensitive to energies which makes them capable of sensing the energy transitions. They can sense energy transitions (like the situation we are currently facing around the world) even a long before it occurs. Such sensitivity to energies demands them to have a strong Aura protection as this does affect their energies too.
I’m certainly not sharing this to make us feel vulnerable but to help us understand that one who is too sensitive to energies has the power to change the whole course of its existence and can heal them too. We energy healers must make sure that when such transitions occur we work on our own protection and healings first that too more strongly than ever.
This recent transitions started from December ’19 and you can observe that the light workershealersspiritual souls dealing in healings and energies got little affected be it emotionalmental or physical challenges.
In my view and experience, please don’t jump into healings without preparation, be sure your body and soul is well prepared to healHealing start from Self. Each one of us must spend time in sadhanaselfhealings and should not ignore this very important point. As we all are compassionate by nature we should not let us forget our own self. Only then our decision to heal the world will be fruitful.
Let us first work on our selfheal and protect, then we can surely heal the Earth and Nature. It is a collective effort my dears – all  healers together.
May the energy change happen for everyone’s highest good. AMEN
Love, light and healing your way
Dr Pooja Anand Sharma

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Mental Health and COVID-19

Friends, this is Dr Pooja Anand Sharma

A little concerned about what is going around us. Being a psychologist and looking everything from a psychological point of view; I am sharing some very important aspects which we should consider now!

A lot of awareness is getting shared for COVID-19, but awareness for mental health equally requires attention here. People are too much under fear that is further leading to Anxiety, depression and other mental disorders.

Understand friends fear is contagious too. We can fight together this pandemic, and we are already doing it. Also it is the time for us to be aware, sensitive and work towards safety of mental health of our loved ones.

Having said that fear is contagious let us promise we will not contaminate our loved one with any information or videos that are spreading more fear than awareness.

There are people who are of sensitive mind already. Pledge, we will not share any information that is propagating fear and panic. And will not contaminate the minds around us, rather we will empower them with faith that we shall overcome. Faith can conquer fear!

Second aspect, we will always sleep with positive talks and empowering words rather than listening to the repeated corona updates or search for any information that can instil fear. It is the time when your sub conscious mind is too sensitive for information and directly register everything you feel, read or do. Gayatri chants, mantras, your guru mantras are best.

And also we will start our day with similar positivity instead of searching for corona updates. Condition of mind is similar as during bedtime.

Third aspect, sitting at home we have ample time, we can get into overthinking that can further lead to anxious state so one most powerful tool that generates instant shift of energy and boost the whole environment of your family is Smile Therapy.

How you do it?

Give smile to yourself in the morning. Look into mirror and smile. Simple it is but very effective. WE have to do smile therapy at our homes. It is very simple technique, no matter how you are feeling just practice to smile when you address your partner, your kids or parent at home. Look straight into their eyes that create a reassuring feeling and smile while you talk. Smile is contagious too. 

Release fear with smiles at home.

There is a very powerful therapy to uplift a collective energy that I’m going to discuss with you.

This is called SMILE Chain. For coming 10 days till 31st march.

BEDTIME or first thing in morning YOU click your SMILING SELFIEBE CREATIVE with it. Remember to be creative, a lot of photo applications can help very well with that. And just write ALL IS WELL.

Send to one of your dear family member. That family member will click his own best smiling selfie, write all is well and send to another family member. At-least 5 members in a chain. Like this your pics will rotate within family. This generates a strong energy and protection cover for our families, people moods will be uplifted, they will feel cared, and social distancing will not become emotional distancing. Collectively it will uplift the total energy of our planet. Do it today for 10 days and see the difference in overall energy shift.

Start the chain now!

I hope this helps all. And always remember, together we shall overcome

God bless.

Read related blogs visit https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/blog/

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Family First

The world is going through a difficult time with COVID-19 causing so much harm and even more panic and fear . No doubt that it is a time that we need to be alert but also be hopeful.
we know, Globally we all are sailing in the same boat. As they say “*Shared Pain and problems Brings People Together*” Every problem and difficult situation always has a reason and something for us to learn and provide an insight.

How this situation? 

Do we realize that in last two decades from 2000 onwards, the corporate culture has actually started to take toll over marriages, families, health, long travel, High expectations, extreme pressure, corporate politics and stresses. All these started to cause distance in personal relationships, less family time, less eye contact, less intimacy, less feelings, more logics, confusions and discords; close bonds were becoming myth.

The only bond we could relate with was office and colleagues. We communicated more on client calls rather that with our partner and family.

With this enforced shutting down of offices, schools, shopping malls, movie halls, has lead to an opportunity for the family members to be together under one roof at the same time. This situation is giving everyone ample time to be with each other but *Now* , children demanding our attention and time more, getting bore, doing nothing, we are worried about the business / work and actually too much time that we don't know what to do with it.
This is a sudden change for us and for some time it may make us feel lost. But understand it is not going to be same always and this situation is temporary so we must treat it as a blessed family time in spite of these temporary difficulties we are facing.

Along with managing the situations at all the fronts we must relish and relive this family time that is at least allowing us to sit together and giving an opportunity to understand and communicate better with each other, It’s time to rekindle the joy, strengthen the bond, listen to each other cooking meals for loved ones, enjoying the cup of coffee and meals together, watching birds, nature and kids, playing indoor games with them, watching movies together, talking to our parent, listening to their stories, fun activities together (that we might have missed all this while). And deep down realizing that this was the life which we missed completely in the so called rat race.
We may feel that we are missing so much at this time of hour (revenues, profits, etc…) but do we know that we’d missed ourselves and were rather lost in the crowd. Treat this as blessed time to reconnect with yourself. introspect and reevaluate life. It gives deep insights.
Remember this is a temporary phase and will soon be over.
Let this positive intention and energy go out in the universe and change the vibrations of our planet to overcome and win over this situation.
Read related blogs visit https://www.vishwashealingcentre.com/blog/