Thursday, May 30, 2024

Unveiling Spiritual Quotient: The Hidden Key to Personal Fulfillment


Unveiling Spiritual Quotient: The Hidden Key to Personal Fulfillment


When you hear the term Spiritual, what comes to your mind? Anything related to spirituality, humanity, God, soul, self realization. It is related to deep feelings and beliefs, especially religious beliefs. Quotient means a degree or amount of something. So does Spiritual Quotient mean degree of self realization or amount of your deep feelings and beliefs? It can be the recognition of self or belief.

IQ vs EQ vs SQ

There are three dimensions of intelligence: cognitive, emotional, and spiritual. Since long, only Intelligence Quotient, IQ, was thought to be the only valid form of intelligence. IQ is the measure of person’s reasoning ability or how well someone can use information and logic to answer questions or make predictions. The intelligence quotient (IQ) is defined as a comparison between what is normal for a certain age and what is observed in a specific child. Then in the 1990’s, as people started having more struggles and successes, emotional disturbances started, and here comes the term, Emotional Quotient, EQ. Emotional intelligence (or emotional quotient or EQ) is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. It is simply to understand and manage emotions. Now in the 21st century, with the modern day problems, rising insensitivity, comes a new term Spiritual Quotient, SQ. Basically, all human beings are spiritual in their nature. The Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is the sum of our Intellectual Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ). We may look at it as a ‘supreme form of intelligence’ because it provides a higher sense of purpose, self-awareness, resets the thought process and transforms the overall personality of a person.

Read blog 15 minutes spirituality, small steps big impact

Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall based on their pioneering book, SQ: Connecting with Our Spiritual Intelligence, attributed the term Spiritual Quotient.  According to them, it is our most fundamental intelligence. It helps us to develop our capacity for meaning, vision and value. It has all our beliefs, thoughts that help us to take respective actions. It also helps us to dream and work for our goals. Spiritual intelligence explores how accessing our SQ helps us to live up to our potential for better, more satisfying lives.


  • Responsibility:

    Thinking about our purpose in life we should have a vision of how we are to spend our lives to achieve the purpose or for what we are responsible for.

  • Humility :

    We are just one of the 7 billion people on Earth; just one among those 108 billion people who have ever lived. So what makes us think that our existence is more important than others?

  • Happiness :

    With all the success, facilities and opportunities, are we really happy or happier than before? It means how exactly we progress to be happy.


Much attention is focused on the importance of our physical and mental health, but what about our spiritual health? Mostly people are categorized as believers and non believers but its not like that because everyone believes in something or the other. To be a spiritual person, its not necessary to practice your religion, believe in God or read your religious books. We all are built-in with spirituality within our core. There isn’t one path one needs to take to be spiritually healthy—it’s different for everyone. Some experience it through religion, some through humanity, kindness, music, nature, art. It’s the ideals and beliefs you form throughout your life that form your own unique spirituality.” It not only gives hope but also satisfaction, calmness, purpose, belongingness and also peace. There’s no right or wrong way to achieve spiritual health.

  • Connect with your faith community :

    The places of worship or organizations that offer a number of ways to connect with someone who shares our beliefs and thoughts and reconnect with them – whether online, over the phone or in-person.

  • Volunteer or help others :

    Another way to feel connected to your spirituality and faith is to find a cause that matters to you and to give back. You can become a mentor or tutor or foster an animal. By helping others, it’ll also give you a sense of purpose and gratitude.

  • Practice yoga :

    Yoga is for everyone at any level. Besides strengthening and stretching your body, it can help your mind and spirit—reducing symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety.

  • Meditate :

    Meditation is one of the easiest practices to maintain because it requires little time. Many people think that for meditation on has to sit and be quiet but its not always like that. One can walk and meditate,  being mindful of how your feet feel on the ground or the details of your surroundings. Just the practice of slowing your body down can help slow your brain down.” It reduces  stress, depression and anxiety and increase your mindfulness.

  • Keep a journal :

    The act of writing can help you process your emotions, increase your awareness and give you a non-judgmental space to express your feelings in the moment.

  • Spend time in nature :

    It does not mean to switch off your phone and live in mountains or by  river side. Even just a few minutes watching the birds, the trees swaying in the wind or the crashing waves on the shoreline can be therapeutic.


Spiritual intelligence no longer let fear stop you from taking action, as challenges will no longer seem daunting. You will understand that the Universe is abundant and unlimited. You will know that everything that you wish is possible for you, and help is always available if you ask.

-You’ll be more present in the now.

-You will be more resilient.

-You will feel happier.

-You will know exactly how to help others thrive.

-You will be holistically attuned to the world.

Developing spiritual intelligence requires a commitment to self-reflection, personal growth, and cultivating spiritual practices. Key components of spirituality include faith, meaning, love, belonging, forgiveness, and connectedness. Once we move into the spiritual tier, our progress becomes much more focused because, at that point, we have gained a sense of the reason for human existence.

It helps us to open our mind to receive new information. Open our heart to give and receive unconditional love to others. Open our senses to learn about the world in different ways. Being open means our willingness to perceive everything as it comes, not the way we think it should, but the way it is, without judgement.

Read blog Spirituality and its power


In today’s era that is filled with hatred and insensitivity, perhaps a little dose of understanding about our own spiritual dimension would all do us some good. And as Barbara Sargent, elegantly puts it: ‘Through contemplative practices and spiritual aspiration, we can learn to live in a closer relationship with this deepest and unique aspect of ourselves, this place where inner guidance can come through when we need it most. SQ makes us more responsible of ourselves, family, society, our surrounding, our country and then our universe too. It helps us to interconnect our personal vision with the larger good of humanity. It makes us more humble in our perspective. To a great extent it reduces our selfish intentions. Once we understand that everything is connected, it also increases our personal responsibility and accountability. It is acknowledging your mortality and thinking of what you could offer humanity.

– Deepti Anand, Intern

(The views/opinions are solely of the Interns and is there for general information and awareness purpose only. It is strongly recommended that people should always consult the professionals. Call us at +918920354903, +919899201645, +919911401645, to know more about appointments.)

Vishwas Healing Centre brings to you more than 25 healing modalities along-with counselling. Like – Psychotherapies (CBT, REBT, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression etc.), Energy Healing (Touch Healing, Distance Healing, Crystal Healing etc.) and much more. Such modalities work miraculously to help you deal with the issues and heal. We also provide trainings and workshops.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Navigating the Journey of Infertility: Beyond Stereotypes and Stigma


Navigating the Journey of Infertility: Beyond Stereotypes and Stigma

Conceiving Beyond Expectations: Redefining Infertility

In a society where the conception of a child is often hailed as a divine blessing, the harsh reality of infertility casts a shadow over the dreams of countless couples. Beyond the surface of joyous announcements and baby showers lies a silent struggle, where hope meets heartache and perseverance battles against uncertainty.

It's a journey marked by resilience, resilience, and the unwavering determination to conceive beyond expectations.

Infertility isn't merely a medical condition; it's a profound emotional and psychological journey. Beyond the clinical definition lies a landscape of dashed hopes, emotional turmoil, and societal pressure. Couples grappling with infertility often find themselves isolated, navigating a labyrinth of complex emotions.

Understanding the Complexity of Infertility

The causes of infertility are multifaceted, ranging from physiological abnormalities to hormonal imbalances. In males, conditions like varicocele can disrupt fertility, while females may face challenges such as uterine fibroids or pelvic adhesions. Each diagnosis carries its own set of emotional and physical burdens, underscoring the need for comprehensive treatment and support.

Read blog Expanding the Horizon: Motherhood Beyond Gender Norms

Empowering Paths to Parenthood

Amidst the challenges, there is hope. Advancements in medical science offer a plethora of treatment options, from assisted reproductive technologies like IVF to surgical interventions. Moreover, adoption stands as a beacon of hope for couples yearning to nurture a child, offering a path to parenthood beyond biology.

Embracing Support and Understanding

The journey through infertility is arduous, but it's not one that should be traveled alone. Counseling and psychotherapy provide invaluable support, equipping couples with the tools to navigate the emotional complexities of infertility. By fostering understanding and compassion, we can dismantle the stigma surrounding infertility and foster a culture of empathy and support.


Cultivating Hope Amidst Adversity

Infertility may test the resilience of couples, but it also embodies the power of hope and resilience. By challenging societal norms and embracing diverse paths to parenthood, we can create a world where infertility is met with empathy rather than judgment. Together, let us rewrite the narrative of infertility, weaving a tapestry of compassion, understanding, and, ultimately, hope.

Feel free to reach us at 8920354903, 9899201645, 9911401645

Friday, May 10, 2024

Expanding the Horizon: Motherhood Beyond Gender Norms


Expanding the Horizon: Motherhood Beyond Gender Norms

Motherhood, often depicted as a sacred bond between a woman and her child, encompasses a spectrum of emotions, responsibilities, and experiences that transcend gender roles and societal expectations. It is a celebration of love in its purest form, a journey marked by tenderness, sacrifice, and unwavering devotion.

In the tapestry of motherhood, there exists a beautiful complexity that defies traditional labels and stereotypes. While mothers are traditionally seen as the primary caregivers, the essence of motherhood extends far beyond biological ties. Fathers, too, can embody the nurturing spirit of motherhood, stepping into roles typically associated with mothers with grace and compassion.

In many families, fathers take on the responsibilities of nurturing, comforting, and guiding their children, enriching the experience of motherhood and redefining the narrative of parental roles. This beautiful convergence challenges the notion of fragile masculinity, encouraging a more inclusive and fluid understanding of caregiving.

However, as we celebrate the diverse expressions of motherhood, it is crucial to acknowledge the delicate balance of roles within the family dynamic. While fathers can enrich the experience of motherhood, there are boundaries that must be respected to ensure a harmonious partnership in parenting. Parenthood is about collaboration, about understanding and honoring each other's strengths and limitations.

Join Mother's Day Healing Session

At its core, motherhood is a celebration of the human spirit, a testament to the boundless capacity for love and selflessness that resides within us all. It is about nurturing not only the physical needs of a child but also their emotional well-being, instilling values of kindness, empathy, and resilience.

As we honor the essence of motherhood, let us embrace the diversity of experiences and expressions that enrich this sacred journey. Let us celebrate the mothers who, with tenderness and strength, embody the nurturing spirit of love and compassion. And let us recognize the fathers who, with grace and devotion, stand alongside them, enriching the tapestry of motherhood with their unique presence and contributions.

Feel free to reach us at 8920354903, 9899201645, 9911401645

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Journey Into the Depths: Exploring Dream Analysis


Journey Into the Depths: Exploring Dream Analysis


Most of us have had that dream. You know, the one where you're being chased by someone you may or may not know. You're likely running at full speed until you realize you've run right off a cliff. You scream, but nothing comes out, and suddenly, wake up in a pool of sweat. But what did it mean?

The subject of dream interpretation has been of interest for many years, and for good reason. Understanding the deeper meaning of dreams can help us realize how we feel and think, which can be good for providing personal insight. (KENDRA, 2024)

“Dreams are the time in our life when we're creating new neural connections and processing the experiences we've had in our waking life.” -JESSE LYON

Understanding Dream Interpretations

Famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud described dreams as the "royal road" to the unconscious and suggested that by studying the obvious content of dreams, we could bring to light the hidden and unconscious desires that lead to neurosis.

Analyzing dream symbols and ascribing meaning to them has become a source of both entertainment and self-reflection in popular culture. Do dreams mean anything? Can you learn your unconscious wishes and desires by interpreting your dreams?  (KENDRA, 2024)

Read article What is dream analysis and how is it related to mental health


  • Falling in your dreams

    The interpretations for this type of dream center around feelings of fear and vulnerability. Falling in your dreams can also indicate feelings of helplessness and being overwhelmed. It’s also possible that dreaming of falls can be seen as a warning from your subconscious to be careful. If a situation causes a loss of control, this can be translated as a fall when dreaming.

  • Being chased in your dreams

    Feelings of stress and anxiety are the primary cause of being chased while dreaming. If someone is feeling threatened in their waking life, that can also translate into dreams of being chased. Sometimes, these dreams can result from anger and are seen as a warning to watch out for possible threats.

  • Teeth falling out in your dreams

    Dreaming about teeth falling out can commonly be linked to feeling unattractive or having negative thoughts about your image. Struggles with communication can also be a reason for these dreams, as teeth falling out can make it difficult to talk. A lack of confidence can also trigger this type of dream.

  • Being naked

    Commonly brought on by feelings of being exposed, dreams of being naked in public places like school or work can also be triggered by feeling accused by someone. However, dreams of being naked sometimes indicate that a person is comfortable with who they are.

  • Flying

    The ability to fly is associated with freedom. However, struggling or failing to fly in your dreams can indicate a lack of confidence. If someone else is in the dream, struggling to fly can point to them holding you back and stopping you from moving on with your plans in life.


Because the primary goal of dream analysis is to help people address the problems they are currently facing, it can be used to address many mental health issues. A newer cognitive behavioral technique called image rehearsal therapy has been developed to address concerns like posttraumatic stress and chronic nightmares.
In image rehearsal therapy (IRT), the goal is to rewrite the nightmare's story. The therapist may coach the person in treatment to relay the bad dream, write it down, and then change the content to something positive, encouraging the individual to mentally rehearse this new dream script for up to 20 minutes a day in order to decrease the frequency and intensity of the nightmare. Due to its reported effectiveness, IRT is recommended as a best-practice standard for the treatment of nightmares, according to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.


(The views/opinions are solely of the Interns and is there for general information and awareness purpose only. It is strongly recommended that people should always consult the professionals. Call us at +918920354903, +919899201645, +919911401645, to know more about appointments.)

Vishwas Healing Centre brings to you more than 25 healing modalities along-with counselling. Like – Psychotherapies (CBT, REBT, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression etc.), Energy Healing (Touch Healing, Distance Healing, Crystal Healing etc.) and much more. Such modalities work miraculously to help you deal with the issues and heal. We also provide trainings and workshops.

Friday, April 12, 2024

15 Minute Spirituality: Small Steps, Big Impact


15 Minute Spirituality: Small Steps, Big Impact

We all have heard a lot about the benefits of developing spirituality and how it gives a better meaning to our life and bring about happiness. But in this busy lifestyle, people often think they do not have enough time to indulge in such practices. In reality, if one can invest just 15 minutes of their time in some very simple activities, it can develop their spirituality as well as every individual will get to spend time with the most amazing in their life i.e., themselves.

  • Count your blessing (Gratitude journal)

    Every morning, one can wake up and write down at least 3 things they are thankful for in their life and each day they will have to write 3 new things without repeating. It helps us remember all the blessings that we have and, on a day when they sky is grey, this journal can help lift our spirits.

  • Love the nature

    A walk across the park, a warm cup of tea sitting in your balcony, birds chirping early in the morning, they can help you feel more connected to the universe as a whole rather than the rat race that you are running in. indulging in enjoying the beauty of nature without thinking of anything. Let your mind be an empty canvas that they nature can paint in its own color.

  • A smile a day keeps bad thoughts away

    It might sound very weird but if we try to smile through our day and try to be kind to everyone who crosses our path, at the end of the day we will have a peaceful sleep thinking of the beautiful smiles that came our way.

  • Deep breath in…deep breath out

    All the deep breathing techniques if practices regularly can help our mind relax and ease the stress enough to be able to think about the situation rationally. It will require just 3 minutes to the max to perform but the effects will be instant. For added benefit, add a glass of water to it.

  • Say Om

    People often associate the chant Om with praying to some deity. But in all honesty, Om is the sound of the universe. By chanting Om when one is meditating, it creates such vibrations in our brain which makes more neurons to be fired and activate our brain more. That increases the efficiency of our brain. Everyday for just 15 minutes either in the morning or before going to bed, meditating with the chant of Om can bring calmness and happiness.

All these techniques will take very less time and resource investment but the effect will be very beneficial. It will help one connect better to their inner self and develop their spirituality. It will bring calmness and better understanding of their happiness.  

Read blog Spirituality and It’s Power

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Top 10 Advantages of Online Therapy


The Digital Revolution in Mental Health: Top 10 Advantages of Online Therapy

There are several benefits to choosing online therapy over in-person therapy:

1. Convenience: Online therapy allows you to attend sessions from the comfort of your own home or any location of your choice. This eliminates the need to travel to a therapist's office, saving time and reducing stress.

2. Accessibility: Online therapy provides access to mental health services for individuals who may have difficulty attending in-person sessions due to physical limitations, transportation issues, or living in remote areas.

3. Increased anonymity: Some individuals may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive issues in online therapy sessions since they are not face-to-face with the therapist. This can lead to greater openness and honesty during sessions.

4. Flexibility: Online therapy offers greater flexibility in scheduling appointments. You can often choose a time that works best for you, including evenings or weekends when traditional therapy offices may be closed.

5. Cost-effectiveness: Online therapy can be more affordable than traditional therapy, as it eliminates the need for travel expenses and may offer lower session fees.

6. Variety of communication options: Online therapy platforms offer a variety of communication methods, such as video calls, phone calls, chat, or email, allowing you to choose the format that best suits your preferences and comfort level.

7. Comfort and safety: Online therapy provides a safe and comfortable environment for individuals who may experience anxiety or discomfort in traditional therapy settings. This can lead to a more positive therapeutic experience.

8. Continuity of care: If you need to travel or move to a different location, online therapy allows you to continue working with the same therapist without interruption, maintaining continuity in your treatment.

9. Access to a diverse range of therapists: Online therapy platforms often have a wide selection of therapists with different specialties and backgrounds, giving you the opportunity to find a therapist that is the best fit for your needs.

10. Increased engagement: Online therapy may appeal to individuals who are more comfortable communicating through digital platforms or who prefer the flexibility and control that online therapy offers, leading to increased engagement in the therapeutic process.

Free from excuses and therefore procrastination can be checked that stop us from seeking help on time. Number of excuses run through our mind. Online sessions helps to eliminate all those thoughts at once.

Let’s explore some facts about online counselling. Watch video on YouTube:-

Feel free to reach us at 8920354903, 9899201645, 9911401645 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Modern dream analysis from symbolism to individual experience


Modern dream analysis from symbolism to individual experience

Dream analysis is a field that has captivated human curiosity for centuries, seeking to unlock the hidden meanings and insights that lie within our nocturnal imaginings. While dream analysis is often associated with Freudian theories and mystical interpretations, modern scientific research has shed light on the neurological and psychological aspects of dreaming, providing a more grounded understanding of this fascinating phenomenon.

Recent studies have revealed that dreams are a natural part of the sleep cycle, occurring during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) phase. During this stage, brain activity increases, resembling wakefulness, while the body remains paralyzed to prevent acting out the dream scenarios. This neural activity during REM sleep has been linked to memory consolidation and emotional processing.

One of the primary areas of scientific interest in dream analysis is the role of dreams in memory consolidation. Research has shown that dreaming plays a crucial role in organizing and storing memories acquired throughout the day. During REM sleep, the brain reactivates neural pathways associated with recent experiences, reinforcing learning and enhancing memory retention. This process not only aids in retaining factual information but also in extracting underlying patterns and emotional significance from these experiences.

Dream Analysis Basic Course

Furthermore, dream analysis has revealed intriguing connections between dreams and emotional regulation. Dreams often serve as a playground for the subconscious mind to work through complex emotions and unresolved issues. Studies have demonstrated that dreaming can facilitate emotional processing, allowing individuals to confront and cope with difficult emotions in a safe and controlled environment. This therapeutic aspect of dreaming has led to the integration of dream analysis into various therapeutic practices, such as psychotherapy and trauma recovery.

Intriguingly, the content of dreams is often influenced by an individual’s waking life experiences and emotional state. This is evident in research that explores how external stimuli, such as sounds and smells, can shape dream narratives. For example, exposure to a specific scent during wakefulness can lead to the incorporation of that scent into dream scenarios. These findings highlight the intricate interplay between the external world and the internal realm of dreams.

While dream analysis has made significant strides in uncovering the scientific underpinnings of dreaming, challenges remain in deciphering the precise meanings of dream content. Unlike traditional Freudian interpretations, which relied heavily on symbolism and subjective associations, modern dream analysis emphasizes the individual’s unique experiences and emotional context. As a result, dream interpretation has become more personalized and nuanced, with researchers and clinicians encouraging individuals to explore the emotions and themes that resonate with them in their dreams.

Learn More What is dream analysis and how is it related to mental health

In conclusion, Dream Analysis has evolved from mystical and speculative realms to a scientifically grounded understanding of the intricate processes underlying our nocturnal reveries. Through advancements in neurology and psychology, we now recognize that dreams serve essential functions in memory consolidation, emotional processing, and self-exploration. While the precise meanings of dream content remain subjective and context-dependent, the scientific exploration of dreams continues to provide valuable insights into the inner workings of the human mind. As our understanding of the brain and its complexities deepens, dream analysis will undoubtedly continue to unravel the mysteries of this timeless phenomenon, enriching our comprehension of both sleep and consciousness.

– Khushi, Intern

(The views/opinions are solely of the Interns and is there for general information and awareness purpose only. It is strongly recommended that people should always consult the professionals. Call us at +918920354903, +919899201645, +919911401645, to know more about appointments.)

Vishwas Healing Centre brings to you more than 25 healing modalities along-with counselling. Like – Psychotherapies (CBT, REBT, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression etc.), Energy Healing (Touch Healing, Distance Healing, Crystal Healing etc.) and much more. Such modalities work miraculously to help you deal with the issues and heal. We also provide trainings and workshops.